施信民臺灣大學:化學工程學研究所林立翔Lin, Li-HsiangLi-HsiangLin2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282009U0001-1208200914351900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/186953垃圾焚化處理所產生的飛灰含有高含量氯鹽以及微量的重金屬與毒性氯化有機物,屬於有害廢棄物。本研究的目標在於開發焚化飛灰無害化、資源化做為營建材料的處理技術。本研究探討碳酸化處理對洗滌灰柱體抗壓強度和抗風化能力的影響。本研究將焚化廠空氣污染防治設備收集的飛灰分別以去離子水(液固比=1~10)或磷酸(1wt%~10wt%)、氫氧化鈉(0.5N~3N)和碳酸鈉 (0.01M~1M) 溶液(液固比=10)洗滌,有些並同時進行液相碳酸化;經過濾、乾燥、造粒(5000psi)後,已洗灰柱體再經煅燒(800℃~1000℃)和高溫碳酸化(500℃~850℃)處理。洗灰(液固比=1)柱體於700℃進行碳酸化有最高的抗壓強度,當煅燒或高溫碳酸化時間超過一小時,其抗壓強度變弱。水洗灰(液固比=1)經液相、高溫碳酸化後,於常溫下吸水顯著,但放置超過一個月仍保持柱體完整不崩解,以1N NaOH洗滌者吸水不顯著亦不會崩解,但以Na2CO3洗滌者則會崩解。磷酸洗滌灰(5wt%、10wt%)煅燒後或高溫碳酸化後柱體的抗壓強度在70~300kgf/cm2之間,常溫下柱體吸水不顯著,且超過一個月亦不會崩解。飛灰以液固比小於5的去離子水洗滌,或以1wt%以上的磷酸洗滌,或以1N以上的NaOH洗滌並經液相碳酸化,並再經高溫碳酸化,其柱體抗壓強度可達砂岩建材等級(14 kgf/cm2)以上。處理過的飛灰柱體之重金屬溶出量皆符合法規標準。Fly ash generated from MSW incinerator, containing high contents of alkali chlorides and trace amounts of heavy metals and toxic organic chlorides, is classified as a hazardous waste. The aim of this study is to develop a technique to produce synthetic aggregates, which can be used as a construction material, from fly ash by removing the alkali and toxic organic chlorides and stabilizing the heavy metals. This study focus on the effect of carbonation treatment on the compressive strength and the resistance to weathering of a cylinder made of washed fly ash. Fly ash, collected from the air pollution control unit of a MSW incinerator, was washed with deionized water (at liquid/solid weight ratio L/S=1~10) or with H3PO4(1~10wt%), NaOH solution(0.5~3N), and Na2CO3 (0.01~1M) solutions at L/S=10, with and without simultaneous liquid-phase carbonation. The dry washed samples were pelletized with a pressure of 5000psi and subjected to high temperature calcination(800~1000℃) and carbonation (500~850℃). arbonation at 700℃ gave the highest compressive strength for cylinders of water-washed fly ash(L/S=1); the compressive strength decreased when the calcination or carbonation time was longer than 1h. After liquid-phase and high temperature carbonation, cylinders of water-washed fly ash(L/S=1) absorbed a significant amount of water but did not disintegrate after one month at room temperature; cylinder of NaOH-washed fly ash did not absorb water appreciably or disintegrate, but those of Na2CO3-washed fly ash disintegrated. The cylinders of fly ash washed with 5 and 10wt% H3PO4 had high compressive strengthes, 70-300kgf/cm2, and did not disintegrate after one month at room temperature. The compressve stregnthes of cylinders of washed fly ash could reach or exceed the level of sandstone(14 kgf/cm2), if fly ash was washed with water at L/S<5, or with H3PO4 at concentrations ≧1wt%, or with NaOH at concentrations ≧1N accompanied by liquid-phase carbonation. Leaching tests for the cylinders showed that the amounts of heavy metals leached were far less than the regulatory limits in Taiwan.中文摘要 VIBSTRACT VIII號說明 X表索引 XI一章 緒論 1-1 研究緣起 1-2 研究目標 3二章 文獻回顧 4-1 都市垃圾焚化飛灰的來源 4-2 飛灰的物理性質與化學性質 5-2-1 灰渣的分類 5-2-2 焚化飛灰的物性 8-2-3 焚化飛灰的化性 9-2-4 焚化飛灰中重金屬、毒性氯化有機物來源及其危害 11-2-5 重金屬溶出 14-3 焚化飛灰無害化相關研究 18-4 碳酸化處理 21-4-1氧化鈣高溫碳酸化 21-4-2 飛灰高溫碳酸化處理 24-4-3 飛灰低溫碳酸化處理 25-4-4 水泥物質的碳酸化反應機構 25-4-5 氫氧化鈣低溫碳酸化反應 27-4-6 二氧化碳、碳酸鈣和水系統的平衡 27三章 實驗與分析方法 31-1 試藥來源 31-2飛灰來源及性質 32-2-1 飛灰的來源 32-2-2 飛灰的特性 33-3 實驗方法 39-3-1 飛灰洗滌試驗 39-3-2 液相碳酸化實驗步驟 42-3-3 加壓成形 42-3-4 熱處理實驗設備 44-3-5 熱處理實驗步驟 44-3-6 熱處理實驗操作條件 46-4 處理後試體特性分析 47-4-1 已洗灰重量殘留率 47-4-2 處理後重量損失率、體積縮小率與體密度 47-4-3 毒性特性溶出試驗(TCLP) 48-4-4 熱重分析與熱差分析(TGA-DTA) 50-4-5 EDTA鈣滴定 50-4-6 碳酸化轉化率之計算 53-4-7 X光繞射分析(XRD) 54-4-8 電子顯微鏡分析(SEM) 56-4-9 抗壓強度分析 56四章 結果與討論 58-1 飛灰洗滌處理 58-1-1 飛灰洗滌後之重量殘留率及洗滌時pH值變化 58-1-2 液相碳酸化處理 65-1-3殘留固體鈣含量 70-2 飛灰與已洗灰碳酸化後之熱重分析(TGA) 82-2-1 試藥級CaCO3和Ca(OH)2 82-2-2原飛灰和水洗灰 88-2-3 磷酸洗滌灰 90-2-4 鹼液洗滌灰 94-3 飛灰與已洗灰柱體高溫煅燒/碳酸化後之物理及機械性質分析 94-3-1 飛灰與已洗灰柱體熱處理後的外觀 94-3-2 高溫煅燒/碳酸化條件對氫氧化鈣柱體性質之影響 100-3-3 高溫煅燒處理後已洗灰柱體之物理及機械性質 102-3-4 高溫碳酸化處理後已洗灰柱體之物理及機械性質 107-3-5 提升已洗灰柱體抗壓強度的因素 126-3-6 已洗灰柱體與營建材料之物理與機械性質之比較 128-4 洗滌液之重金屬含量分析 131-5 飛灰與已洗灰碳酸化前後之毒性特性溶出試驗(TCLP)結果 131-6飛灰與已洗灰柱體碳酸化前後之X光繞射(XRD)分析 142-7 飛灰與已洗灰柱體高溫碳酸化前後之電子顯微鏡觀察(SEM)分析 151-8 飛灰與已洗灰高溫碳酸化後之抗風化能力測試 160-9 飛灰與已洗灰高溫碳酸化後之碳酸化程度 169五章 結論 173考文獻 1762742604 bytesapplication/pdfen-US焚化飛灰碳酸化資源回收再利用incineratorcarbonationwaste recycling[SDGs]SDG12焚化飛灰碳酸化處理資源化技術開發Production of aggregates from incinerator fly ash with carbonation treatment.thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/186953/1/ntu-98-R96524053-1.pdf