文學院: 圖書資訊學研究所指導教授: 林維真曾佩羚Tseng, Pei-LingPei-LingTseng2017-03-062018-05-302017-03-062018-05-302016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276777新住民家庭觀眾為博物館目標群眾之一,然而新住民家長受限於語言的障礙、缺乏博物館素養及不熟悉交通路線等因素,往往不會攜帶孩童參觀博物館從事休閒活動。博物館為以文化保存為使命的機構,應積極重視新住民族群的需求,本研究為改善新住民家庭觀眾與博物館的關係、強化新住民對博物館的認知、降低其無法閱讀展示內容產生的抗拒,並促進家庭成員的社會互動。因此策劃一個兼容多元文化的展覽--「餐桌上的科學探索」特展,該展利用多元的展示設計,希望可以改善新住民家庭觀眾的參觀行為。 本研究首先進行場域觀察與調查,掌握一般觀眾的行為,策劃不同的展示設計,並依據新住民的資訊需求,選擇合適的展覽主題,最後藉由舉辦工作坊招募新住民家庭觀眾,透過參與式觀察及半結構式訪談法,記錄新住民家庭觀眾的參觀行為,並瞭解行為發生的原因,及分析不同的展示設計對其參觀行為的影響。 研究結果顯示(1)營造主題情境能引起參觀動機(2)利用圖像或圖文並茂的展示介面,減緩閱讀障礙的負面影響,提升閱讀興趣(3)使用可操作的展示互動媒體讓家庭觀眾停留,發生學習。根據研究結果與發現,研究者提出一般博物館發展新住民家庭觀眾實務應用的三項建議:(1)採用與新住民族群生活相近的展示主題(2)提供與母國文化相關的學習資源(3)與新住民領袖建立友好關係,作為聯繫新住民觀眾族群的窗口。 中文關鍵詞:新住民家庭觀眾、展示設計、參觀行為Immigrant families are one of the target visitor groups in the museum. However, the motivation of their visit is limited by the language barrier and insufficient museum literacy. In addition, they are not familiar with the local transportation. As a result, immigrants tend not to visit museums. The mission of museums is cultural preservation. Therefore, the needs of immigrants should be considered. The purposes of this research are to improve the relationship between the museum and immigrants, increase the interests of visit of immigrant families, enhance the museum literacy of immigrants, reduce the fear of reading texts and stimulate social interactions among immigrants. Based on the above purposes, the author curate diverse designs of exhibitions within a temporary exhibition to understand how the design of the exhibition affects the behaviors of immigrant family. The interviewees are recruited by hosting a family activity. The semi-structured interview and observation method are used to record their visiting behaviors and understand the reasons of the behaviors. The results are as shown below: (1) setting a thematic scenario enhances the visiting motivation. (2) design with images or illustrations reduces reading barriers and increases the viewing interest. (3) hands-on materials or devices attracts audience to stay, operate and learn. According to the results and findings, three suggestions for further applications are raised as follows. Museum should (1) choose an exhibition topic closely related to the daily life of immigrants. (2) provide learning resources which are related to the hometown of the immigrants. (3) initiate a relationship between museum and the leader of different immigrant groups. Keywords:Immigrant family visitors、Exhibition design、Visiting behavior論文使用權限: 不同意授權新住民家庭觀眾展示設計參觀行為Immigrant family visitorsExhibition designVisiting behaviors[SDGs]SDG11博物館展示設計對新住民家庭觀眾參觀行為之影響How the Design of Museum Exhibition Impacts Immigrant Family Visitors’ Visiting Behaviorsthesis10.6342/NTU201603372