理學院: 地理環境資源學研究所指導教授: 朱子豪朱華婧Zhu, Hua-JingHua-JingZhu2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272897觀光旅遊在民眾生活中扮演著重要角色,遊記作為記錄旅程的一種主要形式,對撰寫者、潛在旅客與景區管理者均具有重要意義。但既有遊記撰寫輔助系統存在模版類型單一、客觀資訊檢索繁雜、寫作時間過長等問題。針對以上,本文研究目的是通過創建新的遊記撰寫輔助系統,使得撰寫者可依據不同寫作對象選擇對應的框架與架構,完成客觀內容的調用、主觀內容的描述以及遊記的自動展文。 將語意分析技術應用於遊記撰寫輔助系統,實際操作分為爬文、框架與架構提取、客觀資訊擷取、系統建置四個階段。首先根據觀光資源、遊程類型選定陽明山國家公園地質地形景觀作為本文寫作對象,並利用網路蒐集相關遊記與客觀資訊資料各60篇。再以資源描述架構(RDF)與資源描述架構綱要(RDFS)模型建立語意網(semantic web)的空間階層關係,歸納總結出此類遊記的寫作框架與架構。繼而使用軟體CompassV與InfoMap,定義客觀資訊的語意結構,實現資訊的半自動化擷取(information extraction)。最後則為系統建置階段,建立客觀資訊資料庫、多類別的框架與架構,以及完成遊記的自動展文與客製化編輯功能。 研究之成果,包含依據語意網歸納的遊記撰寫框架與架構、客觀資訊描述規則與自動化展文技術。最終將以上階段性成果應用於遊記撰寫輔助系統,該系統中撰寫者可選擇多樣化的寫作框架,調用客觀資訊資料庫完成主客觀內容敘述,並在自動展文的基礎上實現客製化修改,簡化遊記寫作流程,豐富遊記寫作內容。Tourism plays an important role in our daily life. As one major form of recording the tour, travel notes are significant for writers, potential travelers, and administrators. Nevertheless, present travel writing auxiliary systems exist problems of the single template type, complex objective information searching modes, and the long time of writing process, etc. This paper aims to establish a new travel writing auxiliary system, with which users could select different writing templates or frameworks according to specific objects, complete the utilization of objective information, the description of subjective contents and realize the automatically generation of whole articles. Applying semantic analysis technology to the travel writing auxiliary system, the procedure is divided into four stages, including collection of related articles, generation of templates and frameworks, extraction of objective information and establishment of the system. Firstly, selecting Yangmingshan National Park as the writing object and crawling related 60 travel notes and objective information respectively on the web. Secondly, building the space class hierarchy depending on models of Resource Description Framework and Resource Description Framework Schema, and then generalizing writing templates and frameworks from travel notes. In addition, defining the semantic structure of objective information, and using CompassV and InfoMap to realize semi-automatic extraction. In the end, the travel writing auxiliary system will be established on the basis of the objective information database, various templates and frameworks, and the technology of automatically generation. Results of this study contain different writing templates and frameworks, syntax description rules of objective information and automatically generation of whole articles. Most importantly, a new travel writing auxiliary system is built. With such a system, the process of writing travel notes would be considerably simplified and customized.7233960 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/26論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)遊記撰寫語意框架資訊擷取遊記展文travel writingsemantic templateinformation extractionautomatically generation語意分析技術應用於遊記撰寫輔助系統之研究A Study of Applying Semantic Analysis Technology to Travel Writing Auxiliary Systemthesis10.6342/NTU201602881http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272897/1/ntu-105-R03228023-1.pdf