臺灣大學: 漁業科學研究所李英周; 朱達仁楊芷毓Yang, Chih-YuChih-YuYang2013-03-272018-07-062013-03-272018-07-062011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/253813石門水庫上游集水區湳仔溝溪多年來受到水患影響,於2004年3月至2006年11月進行整治工程,本研究針對該溪之優勢魚種臺灣馬口魚,期望透過長時間調查湳仔溝溪之臺灣馬口魚族群探討其密度、體長、體重、肥滿度受到溪流整治之影響及年齡與成長和生殖週期之研究,了解湳仔溝溪的臺灣馬口魚在受到溪流整治的人為因子及環境變動下族群的結構與動態是否受到衝擊,並探討臺灣馬口魚族群在湳仔溝溪的年齡組成和生殖週期等特性,以期更充分理解臺灣馬口魚在湳仔溝溪之族群生態。2003年11月至2010年11月,依上游百吉四號橋、湳仔溝二號橋、龍行橋、鳳儀僑、新福圳至下游懷德橋各測點由下游往上游以電魚法進行魚類採樣,以one-way ANOVA比較(1)密度、(2)體長、(3)體重、(4)肥滿度之平均值有無差異,試圖了解整治工程對臺灣馬口魚之族群有無影響;2009年9月至2010年11月,每月以蝦籠法與電魚法在相同之六測點採樣並進行年齡形質及與生殖週期之研究。結果顯示,溪流整治對臺灣馬口魚的影響中,密度平均值以龍行橋施工期間最大(7.00尾/15分鐘/100公尺),但龍行橋在施工期間馬口魚的體長及體重偏小,推測原因為龍行橋有加設「避魚柵」及「生態島」對優勢魚種之馬口魚幼魚提供了庇護之故;在第一期施工期間受到艾莉風災之影響,上游各測點之馬口魚密度下降,溪流整治在施工期發生颱風對施工測點馬口魚密度影響極大,而鳳儀橋在施工期間馬口魚體長體重平均值為最大,鳳儀橋其施工工法可能對馬口魚之成魚有助益,因此,湳仔溝溪進行溪流整治的過程中,對於湳仔溝溪臺灣馬口魚的密度、體長、體重及肥滿度未造成極大的傷害,但還是需要後續更長期的環境調查資料探討在施工過後湳仔溝溪台灣馬口魚族群的變動情況;以鱗片形質來進行臺灣馬口魚年齡與成長之研究中,共捕獲192隻,體長範圍在2.9-17.0cm,判讀輪數最高為三輪,利用邊緣成長率分析輪紋一年形成一輪,輪紋形成期約在7-9月,與生殖季同時,推測可能為生殖輪。年齡組成分別為0歲魚23.4%,1歲魚24.7%,2歲魚41.8%及3歲魚10.1%。臺灣馬口魚族群在湳仔溝溪面臨艾利風災與溪流整治使族群的密度降低、體重與肥滿度偏小、以及物種間食物的競爭壓力大,使臺灣馬口魚傾向選擇發育快、體型小及壽命較短的生存策略,導致年齡結構以提早成熟的低齡魚為主。未來對於臺灣馬口魚保育和復育湳仔溝溪臺灣馬口魚族群,重點應該放在湳仔溝溪的環境改善,保持良好的水質與適合棲息的棲地環境,將有助於族群恢復。Fish will change with and increases along with the environmental condition, the community fades and the age structure. Research in fish’s age structure, sex ratio, density, the sphere of action as well as the environment factor influence are called the ecology population. Nanzaigou stream was located at the tributaries of Shihmen Reservoir, it was often over-flooded and caused serious damage along the stream side, so it was restored by the natural ecological engineering from March 2004 to November 2006. The study intends to explore the differences of the dominant species Zacco barbata population before, during and after restoration at each site in Nanzaigou Stream, as well as the age structure and reproductive cycle of this species. Sampling was conducted along the stream from Baiji NO.4 Bridge, Nanzihgou NO.2 Bridge, Longxing Bridge, Fengyi Bridge, Sinfu Canal and Huaide Bridge by electrofishing from November 2003 to November 2010. And the mean values of dominant species densities, body length, body weight and condition factor were compared by one-way ANOVA. And used scales to assessment the age and growth of the dominant species were capture of the same sites by Shrimp cage and electrofishing from September 2009 to November 2010. The results were as follows. The density mean value in Long Xingqiao is biggest (7.00/15min), but the fork length and body weight were small, extrapolated that maybe the Evades the fish grid and Ecology island has provided reason of the asylum to the juvenile fish. The first phase of construction with the typhoon, the densities of fish each site declined, so has the typhoon to be enormous to the construction measuring point to the fish density influence. The mean value of body length and weight were biggest at Fengyi Bridge, extrapolated that maybe the construction labor law to the adult fish is of help.Comprehensive result, when Nanzaigou stream carries on the restoration there has not caused the enormous damage on the mean value of density, body length, body weight and condition factor for Zacco barbata, But it will need the following longer-term environment inquiry material discussion to the population of Zacco barbata after construction in Nanzaigou stream. A total of 192 individuals were captured to use scales to assessment the age and growth of the dominant species. The range of fork length was 2.9-17.0 cm, the highest rings were counted to 3. The rate of marginal increment was highest from July to September, and which indicated that one ring was formed yearly. The age composition respectively was 0 year old of fish 23.4%, 1 year old of fish 24.7%, 2 year old of fish 41.8% and 3 year old of fish 10.1%. The population in Nanzaigou stream faced with typhoon caused disaster and ecological engineering causes population density to reduce, the body weight and the condition factor is small, as well as the species food competition pressure high, causes it to choose r-selection the survival strategy, the age structure to shift to an earlier time the mature low age fish primarily.In the future regarding the species’ care and the cicada chrysalis, which should place the environment improvement with emphasis, maintains the good water quality and suitable to perch roosts the environment, will be helpful in the population restores.1831704 bytesapplication/pdfen-US臺灣馬口魚族群生態湳仔溝溪鱗片年齡與成長Candidia barbatuspopulation ecologyNanzaigou Stream, scalesAge and growth石門水庫集水區湳仔溝溪之臺灣馬口魚族群生態學研究The population ecology of lake candidus dace (Candidia barbatus) in Nanzaigou stream of Shihmen Reservoir in Taiwanhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/253813/1/ntu-100-R97b45001-1.pdf