社會科學院: 社會工作學研究所指導教授: 楊培珊徐文文Xu, Wen-WenWen-WenXu2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273593在傳統東方文化家庭照顧觀念和全球老齡化進程不斷加快的雙重影響之下,大陸和臺灣在養老照顧領域正面臨前所未有的嚴峻挑戰。通過比較兩岸在人口結構、價值觀念和專業發展的異同,聚焦至北京市和臺北市數次經歷城市再造或都市更新期間不斷湧現的老舊社區,雖普遍存在高齡化現象嚴重、軟硬體建設落後、依賴人口比例高、社會網絡複雜等問題,但缺乏細緻深入的個性化探究。 因此,本研究採用質性研究方法:以敘事研究法為主,對包括研究者在內的祖孫三代先後居住於北京胡同四合院老舊社區的照顧情境和研究者遠赴臺北求學實習觀察老舊社區專業社工實務,引申出現代城市老舊社區之養老照顧需求;此外,分別對上述社區中負責社區照顧相關事務的工作人員,以老舊社區照顧政策與實務現況展開半結構式訪談為輔作為對照補充。 主要有以下三點發現:1. 包括研究者在內的祖孫三代照顧觀念與選擇存在世代差異,然而胡同四合院社區客觀環境限制卻始終影響實際照顧方式的選擇;2. 北京市近年來在社區設立工作站,並招募專業社工進駐,旨在參與行政性服務、福利性服務和社會性服務,但實際存在獨立性不足、與居委會分工模糊等問題,對在地資源運用和服務創新較弱;3. 臺北市在地社區發展協會設立照顧關懷據點推動社區照顧服務多年來有口皆碑,但實際與里長合作關係趨於扁平單一,未來可持續性發展存在隱憂。 據此,本研究給出如下建議:1. 保留原老舊社區原有風貌,重新進行內部整體規劃,完善照顧服務政策體系,重視社區照顧地位;2. 適度增強民間組織自主性,充分發掘社區潛力,明確部門之間權責區隔,積極開展專業合作與志願服務;3. 尋求社區照顧領域兩岸互聯、交流合作、共同進步之可能。With the accelerating pace of global aging and strong family ties in the traditional Oriental Culture, both China and Taiwan are facing unprecedented challenges. Particularly, a number of old communities burdened with serious aging problems, poor infrastructures, high dependency ratio and complicated social network during urban renewal in Beijing and Taipei. Quite a few studies were based on the structure of population, the changing of values on elderly care and the development of social work; however, personalized studies on this topic were rare. Qualitative research methods were used in this study. First of all, self-narrative is such an effective and prime approach to sort out the life courses about three generations of caring in Hutong Quadrangle community of Beijing and some practical experience as a social work intern in a community organization of Taipei. Then, semi-structured interviews with key persons from two communities above were done to collect their opinions on the current policy and practice of old community care there objectively. The study has three main findings: First, there are obvious generation differences among the whole story, but the restrictions of Hutong Quadrangle community have always influenced the choices on elderly care. Second, community workstations in Beijing employed professional social workers, which aimed to participate in community services, but the lack of freedom and creation significantly affected the quality of services. Third, the community caring sites were operated by Community Development Associations for years in Taipei, but the relationship with borough chief is inflexible which may cause uncertainty in the future progress. Above all, the study recommends the ideas of urban old community care across the Taiwan Strait in three aspects: First, to protect the original style of old communities within the overall city planning there, then improve the policy of elderly care and community care. Second, civil organizations should be more independent, the responsibility of caring service should be more clearly differentiated among different parts in communities, the cooperation with professional social workers and volunteers should be more active, and then discover greater potentialities there. Third, to facilitate better communication between Beijing and Taipei on topic of urban old community care.18392651 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/7/4論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)老舊社區社區照顧敘事研究兩岸研究old communitycommunity carenarrative studycross-strait study「一葉知秋天下暮,兩岸夕陽別樣紅」——北京和臺北城市老舊社區照顧現況研究A Narrative Study of Community Care in Old Neighbourhoods of Beijing and Taipeithesis10.6342/NTU201600582http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273593/1/ntu-105-R03330019-1.pdf