社會科學院: 社會工作學研究所指導教授: 鄭麗珍蔡孟君Tsai, Meng-ChungMeng-ChungTsai2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273601兒少保護制度實施至今,兒少保社工一直呈現高離職率之困境。2006年行政院通過增加兒少保護社工人力約320位,但人力流失速度遠超通報案件增加的速度。監察院更於2011年針對保護性業務的工作環境(高案量、高工時、高壓力、高危險及待遇低、工作成就低、前途發展低)提出糾正。本研究期待從了解公務門兒少保社工的離職相關因素間之動力與如何影響離職的決定、離職前的個人與組織狀態、影響離職的關鍵事件、離職歷程,提出減緩兒少保社工離職的適切建議。 本研究運用質性研究方法,透過半結構式訪談法進行訪談,針對有兒少保社工年資2年以上,且目前已離職之兒少保社工,共訪談7位。研究發現:離職原因表面上大多是個人因素,關鍵事件則是2010年南投曹小妹案,引發媒體關注與監察院介入調查後,造成兒少保工作內涵的質變,如兒保價值信念逐漸模糊、越來越依法行政(24小時親訪、4日報告)、服務內涵從有到窄化,以調查執法為主、專業自主變少。政策改變進一步影響組織管理,不同層級間(領導者與督導、督導與社工、社工之間)的信任關係瓦解等等。 本研究從制度面提出建議:移植兒少保制度的再反思,建議朝向「他山之石可以攻錯」的取向;採取篩案與差別回應機制,建議落實三級預防的案件分流;針對強制通報對象宣導精明通報;強化113婦幼保護專線功能;依兒少工作流程建立完善的評估指標;持續補足人力及調整人力計算基準;合理之個案負荷量;強化專業形象與權力。組織層面:建立信任的組織文化,溝通透明化;回歸專業判斷,降低行政色彩;建立完善的督導培訓制度以支持社工;建立與媒體良性互動之策略。Child protection workers’ high turnover rate has been a deadlock after child protection policies were enforced. In 2006, Executive Yuan enforced the regulation to increase the number of child protection workers to 320; however, the turnover rate still significantly surpassed the growing rate of reported cases. Furthermore, the Control Yuan proposed censure against several public officials for the strict working environment, including heavy caseloads, long working hours, high pressure, extreme danger, poor treatment, low work achievement, and unpromising future, that child protection services social workers are under in 2011. In order to provide proper suggestion on reducing turnover rate of child protection workers, the thesis aims to understand the dynamic under turnover factors of the workers in public sector and the influence on the turnover decision, and to further discover personal , organizational and environment condition, critical incidents of turnover decision, and turnover experiences. The thesis uses qualitative research method to survey samples through semi-structured interview. The 7 selected interviewees are former public sector child protection workers with at least 2 years of working experience in the industry. The research finds that the turnover reasons are seemingly related to personal consideration. Nevertheless, the key factor is the death incident of a female child surnamed tsao, which led to media’s attention and the investigation by the Control Yuan. Their intervention deteriorated the nature of child protection works, such as losing belief in child protection and deepened bureaucratic control, like the strict requirement of 24-hour social worker visiting and 4-day investigation deadline. Moreover, the service content became narrower, and the professional decision became susceptible to bureaucratic intervention. The changes on policies further caused impact on organization management and undermined the trust relationship among different levels, like leader-supervisor, supervisor-worker, and worker-worker relations. The thesis provides several suggestions from the legislation level: to transfer reflection on child protection policies with a concept of absorbing outside advices; to use screening and differential response mechanism, and to adopt tertiary prevention, including advocating accurate report on mandatory reporters, reinforcing 113 children and women protection hotline, and building proper indicators on child protection procedures; to recruit continuously to overcome the lack of human resources, and to refine the standards of personnel allocation with latest information; to balance the work load; to reinforce professional image and power. As for the organization level: to create a trust-based organization culture with transparent communication; to reinforce professional decisions over bureaucratic intervention; to construct a comprehensive supervisory and training regulation in order to support social workers; finally, to advocate positive interaction with public media.2692508 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/8/17論文使用權限: 同意無償授權兒少保社工離職離職歷程關鍵事件child protection service social workerturnoverturnover experiencescritical incidents公部門兒少保社工的離職歷程Turnover In Child Protection Service From Worker Experiencesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273601/1/ntu-104-R99330003-1.pdf