社會科學院: 社會工作學研究所指導教授: 古允文程議慶Cheng, Yi-ChingYi-ChingCheng2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273613臺灣至中國發展的跨國勞動者隨著時代的變遷,不一定是成為傳統製造業台資公司派駐的高階主管,青年可能是低階白領、灰階的階層,可能在服務業、設計業、金融業等多元產業發展,青年也可能在外資、陸資公司就業,在現今多元的產業和工作管道的選擇下,青年所面臨的就業環境與社會安全議題跟以往的台商、台幹已有所不同。本文的研究問題是欲瞭解青年為何離開臺灣?如何離開?以及兩岸社會安全制度的不同,退休保險、失業保險、醫療保險、職業災害保險、勞資爭議等制度是否會影響其生涯發展,也就是就業環境和社會安全制度是否會成為影響青年返國就業或持續在中國深造的原因。 本研究採取深度訪談法的研究設計,以正在中國大陸上海市從事工作的22~33歲的14位臺灣青年為研究對象,由於中國大陸工作地點差異甚大,在考量地理位置便利性、訪談對象的可得性下,選擇上海市為本次的研究區域,足以呈現資金與人才競爭,跨國社群匯聚的樣貌。本研究探討臺灣青年在就業階段不同時,對於就業與社會安全議題的看法,分為赴中國工作前想法、在中國工作期間想法、未來的工作規劃。 本文初步發現,第一、台資公司對青年漸不具有吸引力,因台資企業經營方式將勞工視為可消耗性,使得青年更願意前往外資或陸資公司發展;第二、臺灣社會安全制度亦逐漸無吸引力,以往希望藉由社會安全制度的年資和退休保障等設計,讓跨國勞動者對於臺灣仍保有連結,但研究發現對於青年來說薪資才是核心價值,越年輕者或本地雇用者對於臺灣的社會安全連結度越低;第三、青年認為兩岸社會安全制度不構成充分誘因,近年來學者討論的兩岸四地社會安全制度可以銜接年資,是希望勞工權益不要受損並能吸引勞工願意回國,但本文發現青年認為此制度銜接是一種推力,讓青年更願意在中國發展的推力。 綜合以上發現,在研究建議上,第一、應提升薪資漲幅與產業競爭力,對於青年而言薪資是關鍵,若臺灣薪資水準是高於其他國家的,兩岸社會安全制度的銜接才會是吸引其回國的因素;第二、重視全民健保制度對跨國勞動者的影響,在本文中所探討的社會安全議題中,僅有全民健保是所有研究對象所關注的議題,但重視程度因中國醫療品質逐漸提升、臺灣健保報銷程序複雜等因素而開始式微,必須重新檢視制度;第三、正視跨國勞動者的權益問題,政府在面對跨國勞動者在對岸發生問題時處理的態度應轉為積極,使青年對臺灣多一份歸屬感。The Development of Taiwanese migrant workers in China could change as time goes by. Nowadays, these workers are not necessarily directors or managers in traditional manufacturing industry that come from Taiwanese companies. These workers could also be low level white-collar or gray-collar workers. They could work in diversified industries such as service, design or financial industry and provide their labor forces in foreign or Mainland companies. Therefore, with the diversified choice of industries and working channels, the employment environment and social security issues for the young workers are different, when compared with Taiwanese businessmen in the past. In this context, this study attempts to ask and figure out why these young workers leave Taiwan? How do they leave? Furthermore, are the cross-strait differences in social security systems, the retirement insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, occupational accident insurance, and labor dispute become important factors when they consider working in China? Do the employment environment and social security system affect their willingness to stay in China or back to Taiwan? This study is conducted with in-depth interview. 14 Taiwanese young migrant workers in Shanghai City aging from 22-32 are invited. Because of the limitations of this study, I choose Shanghai City as my research area, which exists the competition of capital and human resources as well as the gathering of transnational workers. These young workers are asked how do they think about employment and social security issues under there different stage in their career in China: before working in China, working in China, and future planning. There are three main findings of this study: 1. Taiwanese companies are not attractive to young workers. These companies adopt a “consumptive” labor force philosophy, which makes young workers more willingness to work in foreign companies or Mainland companies. 2. The social security system in Taiwan becomes more and more unattractive for young workers. This study shows that the wage is the core value for them. The younger and those hired locally tend to have less linkage with social security in Taiwan. 3. Young migrant workers do not think the social security system to be a factor for them. Although link up the cross-strait system to recognize the “years of working experience” in China hoping to protect their labor rights and lure the workers back, these young workers, however, consider that the system becomes a push power for them and thus, would prefer staying and developing their career in China. This study suggests that: Firstly, Taiwan should raise salary and enhance industrial competitiveness. The salary is a key issue for young workers. If the salary in Taiwan is higher than other country, link-up cross-strait social security systems could be an important factor for the young people. Secondly, we should pay more focus on the impact of National Health Insurance system to those migrant workers. In the social security issues we discussed above, it is the health insurance system that causes every worker’s attention. However, because of the raising quality of medical service in China and the complicated insurance payment in Taiwan, the less benefits of National Health Insurance system, are created for young people. Accordingly, a re-examination of the insurance system is needed. Thirdly, we must face up the rights of migrant workers. As the government deal with the issues of these workers in China more positively, the workers derive more belongings toward Taiwan.1323937 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/7/29論文使用權限: 同意無償授權跨國勞動生涯發展青年就業環境社會安全Transnational LaborCareer DevelopmentYoung PeopleEmployment EnvironmentSocial Security[SDGs]SDG3漂鳥歸鄉路迢迢:兩岸就業與福利脈絡下的上海臺灣青年Fly Away Home: Young Taiwanese Workers in Shanghai under the Cross-Strait Employment and Welfare Contextthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273613/1/ntu-104-R00330012-1.pdf