工學院: 建築與城鄉研究所指導教授: 賴仕堯賴泰銘Lai, Tai-MingTai-MingLai2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273684本研究關注於近年來逐漸邁向大眾化發展的建築旅遊活動,試圖梳理其歷史發展脈絡,整理並建構活動操作機制與行銷策略,建立起初步的建築旅遊發展圖像,最後探究其為大眾社會所帶來的影響與效益。建築旅遊不同於一般的觀光旅遊活動,旅遊活動中所具有的「遊樂」與「學習」特質在建築旅遊當中格外顯著。進一步闡述,早期的建築旅遊活動較強調「學習」的概念,參訪異地建築獲取相關知識與空間體驗成為整個活動的主要核心;而隨著建築旅遊邁向大眾化發展,「遊樂」性質愈來愈受到人們重視,人們試圖沐浴在建築輕知識的學習饗宴中,同時享受旅遊所帶來的放鬆與娛樂體驗。 換言之,「遊樂」與「學習」隨著建築旅遊的發展不斷消長,最後欲取得一平衡點,使大眾能通過建築旅遊活動獲得身心靈上的最大效益。本研究通過文本分析、深度訪談與實際的參與觀察,整理出初步的建築旅遊活動手冊,包含活動的主要行動者介紹、活動類型,以及各行動者的職能區分。並從不同行動者的視角切入分析其在旅遊活動當中所扮演的角色、思維模式與應盡的責任為何,藉以讓活動運作更加完整。 另外,建築旅遊本身的教育性與知識效益值得受到重視,除了豐厚的建築知識外,旅遊過程中的空間體驗、環境教育、美學素養與偏離原本日常生活的經驗軌跡都能為參與者帶來無限的學習與啟發。更值得重視的是其緩慢卻又深遠的意識轉換過程,通過建築旅遊的活動體驗,在自我意識當中埋下改變的種子,並在個人日後的成長與抉擇經驗中發芽茁壯,建築旅遊欲為社會大眾植入的是更具敏銳性的環境與空間意識,也期望在這樣的社會氛圍當中創造出更美好的生活空間與日常環境。The study focused on the popularizing trend of architecture tourism in Taiwan during recent years. Firstly, the study tried to build the basic picture of the historical contexts of architecture tourism, including the process of development, the operating mechanism, the strategy of marketing, and its social influence. Comparing with typical types of tourism, architecture tourism distinctively showed the characters of “learning” and “leisure”. More specifically, architecture tourisms in earlier times emphasized on “learning”. Thus, the core of the tourist activity lied on architecture-touring and space-experiencing. Along with the popularization of architecture tourisms recent years, people’s focus has leaned to “leisure”, which means they would enjoy the entertainment and relaxation from the tourism, and secondly learn about architectures. In other words, people are trying to find the balance between “learning” and “leisure” in architecture tourisms, so they can amplify their benefits through this activity. This study organizes the basic workbook of architecture tourisms, including the introduction of main characters, their duties, and types of activities, through textual analysis, in-depth interview, and field study. Then try to analyze the roles, logics of thinking, and duties of the main actors in architecture tourisms. Besides, educational benefits of architecture tourisms are worthy for attention. Except from the great deal of architecture knowledge, space-experiencing, environment education, aesthetic attainment, and experiences escaping from daily lives in architecture tourisms can bring us unlimited inspirations and rewards. The worthiest thing in architecture tourisms is the slow and profound process of subconscious transferring. By attending to architecture tourisms, a seed, which implies a keen observation of space and environment, will be buried in tourists’ minds, and it grows throughout the daily awareness. The main goal of architecture tourisms is to build a better living space and social environment by educating better people.6165164 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)建築旅遊建築知識空間體驗環境意識生活美學architecture tourismarchitecture knowledgespace-experiencingenvironment consciousaesthetics of living文化消費與建築意識建構-台灣建築旅遊的發展與商業化Culture Consumption and the Construction of the Sense of Architecture—the Development and Commercialization of Taiwan’s Architecture Tourismthesis10.6342/NTU201602763http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273684/1/ntu-105-R02544016-1.pdf