2009-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/671158摘要:鑽石氧化反應之研究,多數仍著重在其反應機制與結構的改變,而且至今仍無普遍認同之反應機制。申請人曾利用主導曲線模型探討微米級與奈米級鑽石之氧化反應,發現主導曲線模型無法如預期般精確的擬合與預測鑽石氧化反應,所以顯然鑽石氧化反應並不是個簡單的反應。 本研究擬深入探討可能影響鑽石氧化反應之因素。實驗方面,鑽石之氧化反應實驗將在熱重分析儀(TGA)中進行。理論模型方面,將分別建立三個可能影響反應速率變數的模型,即表面積、粒徑與不同晶面比例等。而這三種理論模型所預測的反應速率,則可根據實驗溫度與時間的變化用電腦計算求出。最後再根據理論模型預測與實驗數據比對,以及兩者反覆回饋比對的結果,瞭解鑽石氧化反應的速率、粒徑分佈變化、表面積變化等,並深入討論各模型之適用性與鑽石氧化反應之主要反應機制。此外為充分掌握各種鑽石粉末的表面積大小與性質變化,實驗前後將利用各類儀器對鑽石粉末進行一系列定量分析,包括X光粉末繞射分析、比表面積分析、拉曼光譜分析、掃描式電子顯微鏡分析與水銀測孔儀等。本研究不僅在礦物相變等基礎科學方面會有重要貢獻,在促進與鑽石相關的材料科學與工業應用方面也會有實際用途。<br> Abstract: Most research of diamond oxidation is concentrated on its reaction mechanism and the variations of crystalline structure; though, there is still no consensus on its mechanism. We had applied the Master Curve Model (MCM) to investigate the oxidation reactions of micron- and nano-sized diamond powders earlier, and found that MCM could not accurately fit and predict the reactions satisfactory. Consequently, the oxidation reaction of diamond is obviously not a very simple reaction. The project proposes to investigate possible influencing factors of the oxidation rates of diamond. Experimentally, different sized diamond powders will be oxidized in a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) apparatus. Theoretically, we will derive at least three models based on the three possible affecting parameters, i.e., surface area, particle sizes, and the area ratio of different crystal faces. Computer simulations based on these models could give quantitative predictions, which could then be used to compare with the true experimental data. According to the comparison of the simulated and experimental results, we hope to obtain the rates of diamond oxidation, the size distribution of particles and the variations of surface area; furthermore, we wish to evaluate the applicability of the models and to determine the major mechanism of the oxidation of diamond. To fully understand the variations of diamond powders before and after the experiments, we will conduct a series of quantitative analysis by several equipments (XRD, SEM, MIP, Raman Spectrum and FTIR.) The results will not only contribute to the area such as the transformation of minerals, but also could be applied in materials science and industrial related diamond technology.鑽石氧化反應動力學主導曲線模型。DiamondOxidation ReactionsKineticsMaster Curve Model (MCM).鑽石氧化反應機制之動力學研究