家庭醫學科蘇美如陳俐瑾陳恆順賴飛羆SU, MEI-JUMEI-JUSUCHEN, LI-CHINLI-CHINCHENCHEN, HENG-SHUENHENG-SHUENCHENLAI, FEIPEIFEIPEILAI2012-07-122018-07-132012-07-122018-07-132011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/241652The main idea of discharge planning services is to provide the patients from in hospital service with the continuous care while they discharge from the hospital. In year 2009, Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs funded National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) a project "Development of a TeleCare Center for Discharged Patients". This project aimed to develop and upgrade the NTUH's discharge planning services. It had integrated electronic medical records, information network communication and biosensor technology. The service provider of this telecare program was based from the NTUH's main campus, Bei-Hu Branch and Yun-Lin Branch. On the other hand, an option for discharged patients with continuous care in community based health care was developed with a newly open telehealth care center. Therefore, the discharged patients could have better access to health care service when they go back to their homes or communities. Thus, the quality of healthcare was also improved. Besides, an intelligent telehealth care information management system platform was also designed for case managers to monitor patients' vital signs and other related health information in needs. The platform also helped case managers to link the significant data in providing the online health consultations and further referral services, in order to achieve a comprehensive and continuous healthcare.en-US遠距健康照護健康資訊管理系統平台telehealth carehealth information managementsystem platformIntelligent Health Information Management System Platform for Telehealth Care智慧型遠距健康照護資訊管理系統平台10.6320/FJM.2011.15(2).08