2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714756The Graduate Institute of Art History was established in 1989 (previously, Program in Chinese Art History, Graduate Institute of History, 1971-1989). In addition to the Master's program, the Institute subsequently initiated its Ph.D. program in 2000. Presently, the Institute's research fields include the history of Chinese painting, calligraphy, Chinese artifacts, Asian art, Buddhist art, Taiwanese art and Southeast Asian art and archaeology. It also focuses on regional studies, especially the artistic interactions between China and Japan. In the future, the Institute expects to broaden its scope of research to the arts of the Middle East and Europe. The aim of both programs is to prepare student for scholarship and teaching on the university level. The programs train students to conduct independent research on art and culture by visual analysis of objects and critical thinking of art-related cultural problems, equip them with knowledge for further academic work, and familiarize them with skills for careers in museums, galleries, and related cultural sectors. The Institute's compact library has a substantial collection of art books and teaching materials, including slides, plates, facsimiles and samples of art works. Presently, a computer database of images is in preparation. The collection is expanding constantly and is expected to grow continuously to become an important research center for Chinese art history in the future.臺大藝術史研究所旨在從事藝術史學術研究,其方 法為以藝術鑑賞學為基礎,輔以文化史脈絡的探索 和詮釋,力求跨學科之整合研究,目的在培養藝術 史研究之專門人才,有助緩解國內藝術史師資之缺 乏,為博物館或其他文化機關造就研究與維護文化 資產人員,並培育推廣教育人才,以推行文化資產 維護及發揚,落實人文教育理想。 臺大藝術史研究所以研究中國藝術史為主,並於近年擴展至亞洲地區藝術文化交流之探討,包括繪畫、書法、陶瓷器、青銅器、佛教藝術、臺灣美術、臺灣和亞洲建築史、東南亞考古美術史,及亞洲工藝美術史等範疇,每學期針對各個範疇開設基礎課程及專題課程,期能循序漸進地培養出研究生獨立研究的專業能力。 綜合上述,臺大藝術史研究所之教育目標特色為:以藝術史學為基礎,並以文化史為脈絡,力求跨學科之整合研究,目的在培養本領域專精之學術研究人員與教學人才,以服務社會。並以中國繪畫史及書法史、中國與亞洲工藝、臺灣藝術和佛教藝術等三大領域為研究對象,訓練研究生。Art HistoryAcademic Institute