陳添枝Chen, Tain-Jy臺灣大學:經濟學研究所金潔妮Jin, Jieh-NiJieh-NiJin2010-05-052018-06-282010-05-052018-06-282008U0001-2807200821034100http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179364跨國生產及服務業貿易的快速擴張,是近二十年興起的有趣現象。跨國生產能使企業更有效率地運用全球資源,而近年流行的生產外包即是企業跨國生產的一種。服務業一方面可作為生產要素,為生產中重要的一環,另一方面,為了使跨國生產能夠順利運作,也需要服務業作為全球分工之協調者。一型服務業貿易指的是生產者及消費者位於不同地點的服務業貿易。本篇論文即著重於第一型服務業貿易在生產過程中扮演的角色:「重要的生產要素」及「協調生產的連結樞紐」。本論文探討服務業貿易的決定因素,及它和商品貿易的異同。論文運用重力模型分析美國的雙邊服務業貿易資料,實證結果顯示,服務業貿易在部分層面上,和理論預期相符:(1) 國內生產毛額及美國對其直接投資總額皆為服務業貿易顯著的正向決定因素,相對工資則為負向影響因素。(2) 服務業貿易和商品貿易最大的差別在於,地理距離對它並無顯著的影響。另外,兩國間商品貿易的多寡和其多國籍公司內部的服務業貿易無關,但商品貿易和獨立企業間的服務業貿易有很強的正向關係。在本研究中,出口相似度、服務業貿易障礙及通訊基礎建設並未對雙邊服務業貿易產生顯著影響。The rapid expanding of international production and the trade in services are two new and interesting phenomena in the last two decades. Global resources are used more efficiently by international production including outsourcing. Service, on the one hand, is a major element of production as inputs; on the other hand, is needed to make international production possible or to coordinate the international division of labor.n this thesis, we focus on mode 1 service trade, which refers to service trade in which buyers and providers stay at different locations, and the roles service trade plays in the production process: key inputs and coordination link. Then we explore the determinants of service trade and the similarity and differences between service trade and commodity tradepplying the gravity model, we analyze USA’s bilateral service trade data. Our empirical results show that service trade data are consistent with the theory in some aspects. GDP and FDI stock are significant and positive determinants of service trade, while relative wage is significantly and negatively related to service trade. Service trade differs from commodity trade in that geographical distance has insignificant influence on it. Commodity trade is strongly correlated with unaffiliated service trade, but not with affiliated service trade. Export similarity, openness to service trade, and telecommunication infrastructures do not seem to have a significant impact on bilateral service trade in our empirical work.Acceptance of Oral Defense icknowledgements iibstract iiibstract in Chinese vontent viontent of Figures viiontent of Tables viiihapter 1 Introduction 1hapter 2 Literature Review 5.1 International Division of Labor 5.2 The Rapid Growth of Service 8.3 The Role of Services in the Structure of Production and Trade 9.4 The Definition of Outsourcing 10.5 Can outsourcing be analyzed by conventional trade theories? 13.6 Effects of Labor-Intensive Activities Outsourcing on Developed Countries 14.7 Effects of High-Skilled Service Outsourcing on Less Developed Countries 16.8 A Brief Summary 17hapter 3 Theoretical model 19.1 Model Settings 19.2 Resource Reallocation Effect in Country A 23.3 Effect of Fragmented Production in Country B 28.4 Terms of Trade Effect 29hapter 4 Empirical Evidence 36.1 The Empirical Model 37.2 Data and Method 44.3 The Empirical Results 50hapter 5 Conclusion 67eference 69application/pdf1513625 bytesapplication/pdfen-US服務業貿易生產者服務業貿易決定因素跨國生產Heckscher-Ohlin模型Service tradeProducer serviceDeterminants of tradeFragmented productionHeckscher-Ohlin model服務業貿易的決定因素The Determinants of Service Tradethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179364/1/ntu-97-R94323004-1.pdf