李吉仁臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所余宏揚Yu, Hung-YangHung-YangYu2007-11-282018-06-292007-11-282018-06-292004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/60572台灣資訊工業經過二十餘年來的發展與努力,資訊硬體工業已然在全球市場中佔有舉足輕重的角色,而繼續成為國家所規劃的策略性工業,然而,國內資訊軟體工業的發展卻不如預期。當硬體藉由專業代工模式所產生的利潤日趨微薄,而經濟發展又逐步走向知識經濟時代的同時,資訊軟體產業的前瞻性,應該可以預期,但如何更有策略性地發展資訊軟體產業?台灣資訊軟體產業能夠成功的商業模式為何?這都是值得深入探討的策略議題。 本研究的目的便是希望能貢獻於此一議題方向的討論;但由於資訊軟體產業範疇過廣,本研究僅針對資訊服務業為研究系絡,試圖透過產業分析的架構,有系統地針對產業的現狀與國際競爭趨勢,尋找出產業關鍵成功因素,並據以發展國內資訊服務業廠商可行之商業模式。 本研究首先就資訊服務產業現狀、特性進行探討,並與資訊硬體產業相互比較,再以全球市場觀點來看我國資訊服務業的發展潛力,接著以國內已上市、櫃具代表性的資訊服務業廠商,分類進行分析,發現不同廠商間的商業模式可以進一步分成硬體買賣、系統整合、軟體開發與諮詢服務等三種類型,我們接著根據商業模式的理論架構,分別從價值主張、營運範疇、獲利基礎、執行、與策略控制等五個方面,解析這三種營運模式的特殊性與未來性,並據以提出資訊服務業未來發展的可行模式。 本研究認為,硬體買賣的附加價值逐漸式微,包山包海的系統整合策略則必須累積產業知識,最終應該還是朝向軟體產品開發、與諮詢服務的定位,方能透由學習曲線效果使軟體開發成本下降,並利用價值鏈產業活動的分工趨勢,經由規模經濟,累積戰果擴大產生範疇經濟,才有機會立足台灣,放眼中國,行銷全球。The IT industry in Taiwan has become an indispensable part of the global market after more than two decades of development. This is particularly true for the IT hardware sectors, which continue to play a strategic role in Taiwan’s economic development. However, the IT software sector has poorly performed despite its parallel development with respect to the IT hardware sector and its reception of significant policy support. As IT hardware sectors has experienced gradual profit erosion due to increasing competition, and increasing importance of knowledge-based competition, finding an effective strategy to revive the software sector becomes critical to the overall industry performance. Focusing on the information service industry, the present research attempts to undertake an explorative study by analyzing the current situation and industry structure from which we could draw key successful factors of the industry and discuss the difference among various business models. In addition, the research will endeavor to perceive the potentials of Taiwanese makers from a global viewpoint. Our analysis will base on representative firms selected from the publicly listed companies from Taiwan’s OTC (over-the-counter) or TSE (Taiwan Stock Exchange). We identify various types of business positioning undertaken by these companies and key successful factors of the information services industry as a whole. Overall, we argue that for players of this industry, relying upon hardware selling and system integration for specific industry context will prove to be unsustainable in the near term. Only by focusing on the development of software solution in product forms can a company achieve economies of learning, and then economies of scale and scope. Such a direction can be realized by making alliance with leading multinational corporations based on division of labor along the value activities. Implication of this business directions and suggestions for future research are discussed.第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………8 第二節 研究問題與目的…………………………………………8 第三節 研究方法…………………………………………………11 第四節 研究限制…………………………………………………12 第五節 論文章節架構……………………………………………12 第二章 相關理論與文獻探討 第一節 商業模式與垂直整合……………………………………14 第二節 價值鍊分析與重新詮釋…………………………………19 第三節 五力分析與競合關係……………………………………22 第四節 關鍵成功因素……………………………………………27 第三章 產業結構與動態分析 第一節 我國資訊硬體產業………………………………………33 第二節 資訊服務業的定義………………………………………34 第三節 全球資訊服務業現狀……………………………………36 第四節 我國資訊服務業現狀……………………………………39 第五節 成功產業的特質…………………………………………43 第四章 資訊服務業成功營運模式分析 第一節 產業價值鍊與營運模式分析……………………………52 第二節 成功關鍵因素分析………………………………………57 第三節 創新經營模式探討………………………………………68 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………75 第二節 研究建議…………………………………………………76 參考文獻 …………………………………………………………781055210 bytesapplication/pdfen-US商業模式資訊服務業產業分析Business ModelInformation Service IndustryIndustrial Analysis[SDGs]SDG8台灣資訊服務業營運模式之探討An Explorative Study on Business Models of the Information Service Industry in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/60572/1/ntu-93-P91746016-1.pdf