2018-04-162024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/701128摘要:高層結構的控制,最常見的方式是為調諧質量阻尼器,主要是對抗風荷載及增加使用者之舒適性。調諧質量阻尼器是將自身的頻率與結構特定自然頻率相互調諧,若是結構遭受瞬間極限荷載,如瞬間強風或具瞬間脈衝之地震作用,可能會使主結構產生非彈性的行為,造成自然頻率的改變,降低原有調諧質量阻尼器的性能。因此,本計畫將研發適用在瞬間荷載的非線性調諧質量阻尼器(NTMD),並進行實驗驗證。在本計畫中,將研發多種NTMD,包括多段連續滑軌式NTMD、碰撞式NTMD及組合式NTMD,這些類型的NTMD都具有將低頻的能量,透過非線性的恢復力,將能量移轉至高頻,快速減低主結構的反應;另外,這些NTMD不具有特定的頻率,不會在瞬間極限荷載下,發生失諧的效果,並發揮原有的效益。多段連續滑軌式NTMD是讓具有質量的滑車,在非線性滑軌上往復運動,而該滑軌在不同的位移大小,由不同的連續函數所組成。碰撞式NTMD是藉由侷限質量塊位移並使質量塊與剛性障礙物產生碰撞,因而將低頻能量移轉至高頻區段上,降低主結構的反應。組合式NTMD則是合併此兩種NTMD,並考慮並聯或串聯的模式,提高整體的控制效益。本研究將採兩年進行,並以數值模擬、最佳化設計與實驗驗證完成NTMD的研發,期許研發的NTMD可以在未來的工程中應用。<br> Abstract: Tuned mass dampers are a widely acceptable control strategy for tall buildings against wind loading and to increase the user comfortability. This type of control device is tuned with its dynamics near the vibration mode of the primary structure for attenuating structural responses. When the structure is subjected to extreme transient loading (e.g., blast loading or “pulse-like” earthquakes), this primary structure may have inelastic behavior, resulting in natural frequencies being shifted. Therefore, the objective of this research is the development and experimental verification of various nonlinear tuned mass dampers (NTMD) for building protection against extreme transient loading. These NTMDs include track NTMDs using a piecewise continuous function for the track shape, vibro-impact NTMDs using rigid or elastic barriers, and combined multi-NTMD systems. All these NTMDs is capable of transferring energy from low frequencies to high frequencies by their nonlinear restoring force and then mitigate responses of the primary structure. Additionally, these NTMDs do not have a specific frequency. When the primary structure is subjected to extreme transient loading, the NTMDs won’t introduce the detuning effect and still have certain performance. The track NTMD consists of a cart moving on the track which is formed by piece continuous curves. Each curve is presented by a continuous function. The vibro-impact NTMD limits the displacement of the mass and makes the mass impact on a rigid barrier. Then, the low-frequency energy can be transferred to high frequencies. The combined multi-NTMD system is comprised by the track and vibro-impact NTMDs in parallel or in series. This combination is able to integrate the advantages of different types of NTMDs as well as to provide higher control effectiveness. This research will be completed by the proposed two-year project. The development of various nonlinear tuned mass dampers will be accomplished through a great deal of numerical simulations and experiments. The optimal design procedure will be also established in this project. The ultimate goal by the fulfillment of this project is to apply the developed nonlinear tuned mass dampers in the real-world structures.多段連續滑軌式非線性調諧質量阻尼器碰撞式非線性調諧質量阻尼器組合式非線性調諧質量阻尼器瞬間極限荷載結構控制Piecewise continuous track nonlinear tuned mass damperVibro-impact nonlinear tuned mass damper,Combined multiple nonlinear tuned mass damper systemExtreme transient loadingStructural control人力結構改善/土木系/非線性諧調質量阻尼器研發與實驗驗證