國立臺灣大學中國文學系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.彭美玲2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292012-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282429〈豳風‧七月〉是《詩經‧國風》第一長詩,也是敘事如畫、難得一見的古代農村風情詩。兩千年前《詩序》認定其為周公陳王業之作,「以史說《詩》」、「以禮說《詩》」的態度明顯可見。影響所及,傳統《詩》家不脫「以《詩》為教」的詮解態度,〈七月〉遂蔚為儒家《詩》教理想國,提供「君民一家、上下和洽」的政治範本。惟細究篇中「女心傷悲,殆及公子同歸」一句,歷代學者解讀往往歧互,可資探尋諸家各異其趣的學術思維,饒富意味。尤有甚者,近人郭沫若挾西學以解上古典籍,以「奴隸制社會」說顛覆《詩經》的原鄉樂土,〈七月〉「女心傷悲」句亦從而被視為古豳地女奴備受欺壓的鐵證。自此以往,郭氏論調幾席捲當代《詩經》的注譯解讀。要之,歷代《詩經》詮釋史不只出漢入宋,從「經學式的讀法」轉變為「文學式的讀法」,晚近更發展出「社會學的讀法」乃至「文化學的讀法」。本論文擷取〈豳風‧七月〉「女心傷悲」句為討論焦點,藉由傳統的、當代的縱橫雙向樣本考察,為之歸納「感物說」、「勞作說」、「婚嫁說」三種類型,試圖掌握《詩經》詮釋史流變的部分面目,期能深入理解《詩經》學本身生生不息的多元活力。“The Seventh Month,” the first long poem of the Guo Feng section, is a rare beautiful ancient poem depicting countryside scenes. According to the Mao commentary, it is written by the Duke of Zhou two thousand years ago to narrate the difficult process of nation formation. Since the Mao commentary is characterized by its emphasis on history and rites, it is traditional for annotators to highlight the educational and political meaning of the Classic of Poetry. “The Seventh Month” thus becomes the model of ideal politics, in which the relationship between the emperor and his subjects is analogous to a family living in harmony. However, there are several kinds of interpretations on the sentence in “The Seventh Month”: “Nu xin shang bei, dai ji gong zi tong gui.” Guo Moruo, a contemporary scholar interpreting Chinese classics with Western theories, even takes this sentence as a proof to claim the society in the Classic of Poetry as slavery. This perspective greatly influences the following interpretation methods in modern China, e.g. a sociological one and a culturological one. This study classifies the interpretations of the sentence mentioned above into three categories: sentimentality, chores and marriage. The objective is to present the dynamic side of the Classic of Poetry by taking a glance at its interpretation history.33679431 bytesapplication/pdf詩經、豳風、七月(Classic of Poetry, Bin Feng, “The Seventh Month”)〈豳風‧七月〉「女心傷悲」解──《詩經》詮釋史的個案考察The Girls’ Sorrow in “The Seventh Month,” Classic of Poetryjournal article10.6281/NTUCL.2012.36.03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282429/1/0036_201203_3.pdf