2017-12-292024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658824摘要:「臺灣原住民族圖書資訊中心」為本校圖書館於民國95年受行政院原住民族委員會之委託所創設,目的在於蒐集、典藏原住民族相關的圖書資訊資源、提供相關服務並推廣利用。為達成此目的,除實體圖書資訊中心外,更建置數位「臺灣原住民族資訊資源網」,提供原住民族相關的網路資源,朝整合資源之目標努力,並舉辦推廣利用教育活動,期能達成原住民族相關資源的典藏保存與社會服務雙重目標。<br> Abstract: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Resource Center (TIPRC), established and operated by National Taiwan University Library, is an affiliated resource center of Council of Indigenous People, a government department in Taiwan. This resource center launched its services program to public since 2006, with a mission to preserve and provide access to resources concerning Taiwan indigenous peoples. In addition to a real library site, we also constructed an information portal (Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Portal, TIPP) which provides the internet resources, news and current events related with indigenous peoples. TIPRC provides collection services, reference services, multimedia services, and various kinds of readers services, and takes the most efforts on collecting influential issues about indigenous peoples, particularly ecology, education, culture, arts, industry, medical health, and information.原住民族indigenous peoples「107年度臺灣原住民族圖書資訊中心」勞務採購案