臺灣大學: 社會學研究所陳東升吳佳盈Wu, Chia-YingChia-YingWu2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248119本文嘗試解釋1990年代晚期以降,台北市舊市中心西門町的公共空間重塑過程的特殊現象—青少年與男同志地景的異軍突起。本文認為台北市1990年代晚期以後的文化政治結構變遷,是在地產經濟之外解釋西門町公共空間變遷的重要動力。因此本文從經濟資本、政治與文化主體三個角度切入觀看西門町1994-2010年的公共空間轉化。Henri Lefebvre的「空間再現」與「再現空間」概念是本文理論視角的起點,並且從美國晚近都市更新理論中,借用Sharon Zukin與Don Mitchell由Lefebvre的理論基礎所延伸對行動者的分類以及對公共空間的重新概念化,提出一個適合討論當代公共空間的分析架構。本文也採取Mitchell指出從邊緣群體佔用公共空間的政治可能性的角度,做為檢驗公共空間的公共性的判準。 本文對照青少年與男同志兩種邊緣群體各自面臨的政治經濟條件、組織策略以及在西門町公共空間重塑過程的歷史軌跡。本文除了從青少年徒步區的例子剖析當代後威權台北市公共空間迪士尼化的發展脈絡,也從男同志重返紅樓的過程提供一條邊緣群體爭取在公共空間自我再現、發聲的可能路徑。This thesis aims at explaining the production of teenagers'' and gay scene (1994-2010) in Ximenting, the old CBD developed in colonial Taipei. Political changes in late 1990s are crucial to the transformation of public spaces in Taipei. With the introduction of new principles like ‘citizen participation’ and ‘Space Liberation’, cultural politics are pushed to the frontline of restructuring public space in Taipei, especially in the old political-economical-cultural core in west Taipei. Due to the consideration of the distinct political condition, I propose an analytical framework that different from the neo-liberalism explanations of urban redevelopment in the U.S. agenda. The contrast concepts ‘representations of space’ and ‘representational spaces’ that Henri Lefebvre proposed are the standpoint of my approach. Brilliant works of Sharon Zukin and Don Mitchell help clarify the characters of contemporary ‘public space’ and offer adequate and critic ways to see public space. Through comparison of teenagers and gay men in political and economic conditions, the strategies to organize and negotiation, this thesis offers two different routes of marginal groups to access public space. While displaying the distinct trajectory of ‘Disneyfication’ from the construction of Ximenting teenager pedestrian district, this study also discovers a different process through gay right movement in the struggle and negotiation of public space in Red House Square.1493120 bytesapplication/pdfen-US西門町青少年空間男同志空間再現空間公共空間同志運動Ximentingspace of teenagersgay spacerepresentational spacepublic spacegay movement[SDGs]SDG11重返西門町—青少年與男同志再現空間的政治經濟分析(1994-2010)Access to Ximenting: toward Representaional Spaces of Teenagers and Gay Men (1994-2010)http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248119/1/ntu-99-R95325006-1.pdf