社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 陳思賢張啟威Chang, Chi-WeiChi-WeiChang2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274651此研究的論述:每一個人對難易度的感覺不同,然而課程與生產活動的難易度,卻被當權者單方根據主觀感覺所制定。另外,針對數理資優班生在左半球多處區域灰質密度高於普通班生,普通班生在右半球多處區域灰質密度高於數理資優班生的客觀事實,設「腦發育是從普通演變成優質的歷程」(資優班生的腦,曾經呈現如普通班生那樣的腦樣貌,之後演變為資優班生腦樣貌),那麼,資優班生左腦發達右腦不發達,普通生右腦發達左腦不發達,是否意味進步歷程是捨右取左?(右腦退化左腦進化,不是雙腦皆進化) 如此豈不是反映左腦比右腦重要嗎?除非人們改變觀念,認為資優班生的腦不能代表高智商腦,才能為右腦平反。或者在「腦發育是從普通演變成優質」成立時,探究資優班生的腦是否足以代表腦發育的飽和狀態,如果足以代表腦發育的飽和狀態(左發達右較不發達),除非人們改變觀念,認為資優班生的腦不等於高智商腦,否則就意味腦的左半球比右半球重要。設「資優班生的腦,曾經呈現如普通班生那樣的腦樣貌,之後演變為資優班生腦樣貌」,如果資優班生的腦不足以代表腦發育的飽和狀態,意味即使目前資優班生的腦呈現左發達右較不發達,可是在未來進入飽和狀態時,右半球變得更發達甚至再次超越左半球的可能性存在,也就是說,如果資優班生的腦還沒進入飽和狀態,就不可恣意論定左半球右半球孰優孰劣。再者,設「人腦發育是從普通演變成優質」不成立,且多個實驗證實資優班生呈現的腦足以代表高智商腦,意味資優班生從幼兒期甚至出生時就已呈現左腦發達右腦較不發達。不過,在此情形,因為「人腦發育是從普通演變成優質」不成立,所以,雖然資優班生從出生或幼兒期就呈現左腦發達右腦不發達之樣貌,可是日後資優班生的右腦發育成和左腦同等發達甚至更發達的可能性存在,加上可以刪去「人腦發育是從普通演變成優質」的說法,因此日後資優班生的右腦發育成和左腦同等發達甚至更發達的樣貌出現時,此樣貌可能表示「資優班生的腦發育從優質演變成超級優質」或「資優班生的腦沒有進化,反而從優質退化為較不優質甚至普通」,既然資優班生的腦從優質演變成超級優質的可能性存在,意味不可恣意推定左腦比右腦重要。除了上述邏輯推論,此研究的新教育理論以腦科學作為證據。研究方法為文獻分析法。此研究提出超開放學習理論,超開放學習理論批評當代單一模式教育:當代每個人的學習方式不同,可是皆屬於單一框架,例:教師和家長有引導權,多數教師和家長的教育方法看似不同,其實皆只以約定俗成的事物作為教育方法。當代每個學生皆被教師或父母制定的規則控制,即使是翻轉教學、適才適性教學、在家自學,有主導權的是教師和家長,形同困在單一模式環境,出現人才的機率低。此研究以增加人才出現的機率為思考點,創造超開放學習理論:超開放範圍比開放範圍更大,超開放之意義和開放之意義不同,因為超開放環境包括開放學習、傳統學習…,而非只有傳統學習。單一傳統教育產生人才的機率低,不過,在超開放環境內,傳統教育仍有存在的需要,理由為:1.有些人適合傳統教育2.超開放環境必須有各種學習樣貌(各種可能),甚至藉由各種可能交互激盪,來增加人才出現的機率。開放與傳統保守互斥,所以包容傳統保守的超開放比開放更加開放,超開放的包容度,使每個人恣意學習,處在優先與不被控制的位置,使每個人自由設計自己的學習套餐,符合人權:雖然受教育是義務,可是「教育是義務,不表示教育要以專制方式運作」,「每一個人都享有『自由擬定學習方式/學習套餐』的義務」才是對「受教育是義務」的真正解讀!此研究的超開放理論的「包容全部可能性來增加人才出現機率」原理類似多重宇宙論──超空間內存在大量宇宙,就像啤酒內存在大量泡泡,數量極多,多到足以造成「其中有一定數量的泡泡(宇宙)的物理常數運作方式是規律、可孕育生命」。總結,此研究提出:每一個人根據對各課程或各工作生產活動的難易度感覺判斷或測試,設計各自的學習套餐或進行各自的工作生產活動(不受年齡限制),創建每一個人自由設計學習套餐的超開放環境──端出一瓶有大量泡泡的啤酒!Research discourse: Everyone has different feeling towards difficulty, but in some cases, the difficulty of courses, work, and production activities is unilaterally decided by the authorities based on their subjective feelings. The main focus of this research is ultra-open learning. The ultra-open learning theory criticizes contemporary single-mode educational environment: each person nowadays has different learning method, but all people belong to the same frame. For example, teachers and parents have the right to guide; most teachers and parents seem to have different teaching method, but in fact, they all use conventional things as their teaching methods; all students today are controlled by the rules set by their teachers or parents, and even if they are taught with flipped teaching, ability- and interest-oriented teaching, or homeschooling, teachers and parents are still the one who possess the right to guide. The students are trapped in the single-mode environment, so the chance of producing talents is low. The study aims at “increasing the chance of producing talents” and creates the ultra-open learning theory. The range of ultra-open learning is larger than that of open-learning; the meaning of ultra-open learning is slightly different from that of open learning, because the environment of ultra-open learning includes open-learning and conventional learning rather than only conventional learning. Although the chance of producing talents is low in single-mode conventional educational environment, the ultra-open environment still needs conventional education for the following reasons: 1. Some people are suitable for conventional education; 2. Ultra-open environment needs a variety of learning methods (a variety of possibilities), and it can even increase the chance of producing talents by utilizing the interaction between different possibilities. Open learning is incompatible with conventional learning (that is, conventional conservative learning is not allowed in the open learning system), so the ultra-open learning system that includes conventional conservative learning is opener than open learning system. The tolerance of ultra-open learning system enables countless people to learn as they wish; in the priority and uncontrolled position, everyone is free to design his own learning combination, which is consistent with human rights. The principle of the ultra-open learning theory in this study is similar to that of the multiuniverse theory: just like there are many bubbles in the beer, there are so many universes in the hyperspace that “in a certain amount of universes, the operation mode of physical constants is consistent and can produce life.” In conclusion, the study suggests that everyone should base on his feeling or judgment towards the difficulty of courses or production activities not only to design his own learning combination or conduct his own work and production activities but also to create an ultra-open environment for everyone to freely design his own learning combination – that is, to serve a bottle of beer with lots of bubbles!論文使用權限: 不同意授權天才超開放學習開放教育傳統教育腦的可塑性GeniusUltra-open learningOpen educationConventional educationBrain plasticity[SDGs]SDG4新教育與新人才的可能形貌──以腦科學為主軸的思考New Possibilities for Education and Human Development: the Brain Science Approachthesis10.6342/NTU201601088