理學院: 地理環境資源學研究所指導教授: 簡旭伸梁鈞淳Lian, Chun-ChunChun-ChunLian2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272900本文的研究案例為廈門海滄區H社區基層治理的變革歷程,社區自2011年起,開始了海西地區首個實行網格化管理的試點,並推動至今。城市基層所推動的網格化管理,反映了現今的城市治理問題與黨國回應。自計劃經濟時期的單位制解體以來,極權的鬆綁帶來了城市經濟社會多元化的發展機會,也帶來了各種衍生的管理問題,中共為維持其社會的穩定與政權的合法性,推動社會管理的創新。城市社區的網格化管理伴隨著社會管理創新的出現,亦歷經著管理模式的轉向而進入十八大以來的中央政策綱要,在本文的案例中,也結合了城市發起參與式治理政策下的基層行動,城市的基層治理為何逐漸被重視?又網格化的管理表現了基層部門中怎麼樣的國家社會關係變化? 研究結果顯示,H社區網格化基層治理通過治理的再尺度化與屬地式問責的人力配置,網格作為體制上最基層的“塊”,機制的變革轉變了過往條塊事務落入基層的行政能力,居委會得以切入居民的需求,包括日常生活的服務,甚至是協調者的角色,都是精細化的社會管理功能。另一方面,網格化的運作也表現了國家社會關係發展的碎裂化,包括社區社會力量串聯的切割“小事不出網格”,以及網格化社區治理體制中條塊關係的碎裂影響網格作為第一線的功能,更多傳達的是上級的行政管理需求。如此,本研究認為中國城市基層治理的角色逐漸重要,所反映的是國家觸角能更加進入基層社區,通過良性的互動進行社會管理維穩之實,城市基層的社會部門受限於國家主導社會治理的鳥籠空間,以及治理項目亮點競逐的急躁時間,其社會力量角色,多非自發型的,仍屬動員性質。總結以上,社區網格化基層治理變革的細碎化,反映的是國家對基層的治理需求,通過城市部門加強基層治理的力度,社會服務與參與式治理拉近國家與居民的關係,亦得以維續由專制國家主導的新城過程。This essay takes the change course of grassroots governance of H Community in Xiamen Haicang District as a case study. The community has carried out first gridding management pilot program in Haixi Area since 2011. Pushing forward gridding management in urban grassroots reflects current urban governance problems and response of the state and party. Since the broke up of ""Danwei System"" in planned economy period, the relaxation of totalitarian brought development opportunity for urban economic and social diversity as well as various management problems. In order to maintain social stability and the legality of regime, the Communist Party of China carried out the innovation of social management. Urban gridding management is emerged with innovation of social management. The society also experienced the change of management model, and entered into the central policy outline of 18’s CPC National Congress. This case combined grassroots action under the urban participatory governance policies. What’s the reason for the increasing attention of urban grassroots governance? What’s the change of relationship between state and society in grassroots departments through gridding management? According to the research, H Community gridding grassroots management made human resources allocation through re-scaling and accountability of places. Gird is the most basic “block” on the system. Mechanism of changing the past compartmentalization affairs into the administrative ability of the grass-roots, the neighborhood has been starting residents needs, including daily life service, even coordinator role, is the refinement of the social management function. On the other hand, community grid operation also showed the fragmentation of state-society relationship, including community social forces connection cutting as ""not trivial grid"", and community grid system of the the residents committee showed fragmentation in bar effect of the grid as a first-line features, more needs to convey the administration superiors. As a result, the role of grassroots management of China’s cities is gradually important. It reflects national policies can enter into grassroots communities deeper, and carries out social management and maintenance through positive interaction. The grassroots’ social departments are subjected to social governance under national dominance, added short time of the competition of project highlights in governance. Most of its social power role are non-spontaneous and belongs to mobilization. As a conclusion, the fragmentation of social gridding grassroots governance revolution reflects the national governance demand to grassroots. Strengthen grassroots governance through urban departments may closer the relationships between state and society, as well as maintain and continue the course of new areas dominated by autocracy.28307171 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)網格化城市基層治理創新社會管理參與式治理中國新城國家社會關係griddingurban grassroots governanceinnovation of social managementparticipatory governanceChina’s new areastate-society relationship[SDGs]SDG11後社會主義中國基層治理的細碎化變革—以廈門海滄新城社區的網格化管理為例The Finely and Fragmental Change of Post-socialism China’s Grassroots Governance — Taking The Community Grid Management of Xiamen Haicang New Area as an examplethesis10.6342/NTU201603042http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272900/1/ntu-105-R01228015-1.pdf