國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University謝明良Hseh, M.S.M.S.Hseh2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292011-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281778http://doi.org/10.6541/TJAH.2011.03.30.03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281778/1/0030_201103_3.pdf淇武蘭遺址位於臺灣宜蘭縣礁溪鄉二龍村及玉田村的交界,自2001年發現以來已知出土有近三萬件的外國高溫器和施釉陶瓷,其年代跨幅早自十六世紀前期或更早,晚迄近現代。本文則是梳理遺址出土的十六至十七世紀的陶瓷標本,其主要產地來自中國,個別標本出自東南亞泰國或緬甸。中國陶瓷種類不少,除了景德鎮製品之外,還有大量的福建漳州窯製品,其種類有青瓷、青花、青花五彩和低溫鉛釉陶器等。出土陶瓷的年代可印證文獻所載,早在十六世紀後期已有中國漁船進出臺灣雞籠等地。另外,自中國攜入臺灣的施釉陶瓷於淇武蘭遺址墓葬中,其和住民噶瑪蘭人製作的低溫素燒陶器之間有著替代、互換的現象。The Qiwulan site is located on the border between the villages of Erlong and Yutian in the township of Jiaoxi and county of Ilan, Taiwan. Since its first discovery in 2001, the site has yielded over 30,000 fragments of foreign high-fired stoneware and glazed ceramics that range in date from the early sixteenth century (or slightly earlier) to the modern day. The present essay catalogs the sixteenth and seventeenth century ceramic samples obtained from the site. Most of these samples were manufactured in China; a smaller portion was produced in the Southeast Asian regions of Thailand and Myanmar. A wide range of Chinese wares were found; in addition to Jingdezhen products, the site also yielded large quantities of wares from the Zhangzhou kilns in Fujian. The ceramic types that were uncovered included celadons, blue-and-white wares, blue-and-white wares with wucai (five-color) enameling, and earthenware with low-fired lead glazing. The dating of these wares corroborates textual accounts indicating that Chinese fishing vessels had begun visiting the Keelong region of Taiwan by the later half of the sixteenth century. Additionally, ceramics recovered from the tombs at Qiwulan indicate that the glazed ceramics which the Chinese brought to the region were exchanged with, and replaced, the low-fired, unglazed earthenware manufactured by the indigenous Kavalan people.36561785 bytesapplication/pdf噶瑪蘭人、臺灣宜蘭、淇武蘭遺址、漳州窯、泰國陶瓷、華南三彩 (Kavalan people, Taiwan, Ilan, Qiwulan site, Zhangzhou wares, Thai ceramics, South China tri-color (sancai) ware)臺灣宜蘭淇武蘭遺址出土的十六至十七世紀外國陶瓷Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Foreign Ceramics Excavated at the Qiwulan Site in Ilan, Taiwanjournal article10.6541/TJAH.2011.03.30.03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281778/1/0030_201103_3.pdf