工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 郭振華張凱閔Chang, Kai-MinKai-MinChang2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271540本論文發展仿生型水下滑翔機之設計方法。在執行水下大範圍且長周期之量測工作時,由於在有限的酬載空間下所能提供載具運行之能源相當有限,因此省能推進設計相當重要。本裝置利用改變浮力及重心位置進行攻角變化,再搭配裝置兩側之翼板,在水中進行滑翔以達到省能之效果,在滑翔過程中改變尾鰭角度進而達到航向的控制。本文首先建立載具運動方程式,接著以近似橢圓體估算法計算其附加質量及附加慣性矩,引用Bottaccini為了標準魚雷而發展的經驗式估算法進行黏性阻力的推算。估算載具與翼板之阻力,發展設計翼尺寸之方法與選擇翼擺放之位置。本文考慮載具特性指標如浮力引擎的耗能、下潛效率及迴轉半徑等。最後本文製作一具實驗載具,並展示實驗數據,以驗證此方法於仿生型水下滑翔機設計的可行性。This work develops a design method of a biomimetic underwater glider. When enforcing a wide range of measurement and long-duty-cycle data collection in the ocean, owing to the limited internal space of the underwater vehicle, the energy to run the device is quite limited. How to save propulsion energy appeared to be quite important. Our device changes the buoyancy and center of gravity locations to change the angle of attack, then with wings for generate gliding motion in the water. During gliding process, vehicle change the tail swinging angle to achieve heading control. First, linear equations of motion of an underwater vehicle are derived. Then the added mass terms are computed by the similar ellipsoids method and viscous resistance are calculated by the empirical estimation method which was developed by Bottaccini for the standard torpedoes. Estimating resistance of vehicle with wings, a design methodology for size of wings is proposed to choose the position and size of wings. This work considers the performance characteristics of the vehicle, such as buoyancy engine energy, diving efficiency and turning radius, etc. Finally, this work demonstrates the experimental data to validate the design method by a biomimetic underwater glider.2151688 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2025/6/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)機器魚自主式水下載具水下滑翔機運動方程式迴轉半徑robotic fishautonomous underwater vehicleunderwater gliderequation of motionturning radius仿生型水下滑翔機之設計Design of a Biomimetic Underwater Gliderthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271540/1/ntu-104-R01525077-1.pdf