工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 曾惠斌楊美媛Yang, Mei-YuanMei-YuanYang2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278093營造業為國家建設開發的重要產業,有著相當強的區域性、界面複雜性及勞力密集的特性,又營建的工作環境隨著工進變化,勞工所面對的危害因子也跟著不斷改變,致使營建勞工受到危害的風險比別的行業更高,且當發生重大職災時,對於罹災家庭、事業主或社會往往造成嚴重損失。依據勞動部重大職災資料顯示,營造業職業災害死亡個案數為全產業之首,且以墜落、倒塌及感電名列前三名,以往檢討營造職災著重外在因素如機具設備或環境,目前焦點則延伸至勞工「人」的因素,尤其墜落及感電災害的發生,與勞工本身條件有密切關係。 因此,本研究整理2000年-2014年營造業重大職業災害資料共1,261筆墜落災害及198筆感電災害資料,透過統計分析勞工的工作經歷、不安全行為、不安全狀況以及災害發生之時間,發現事故難以單純歸類於某單一屬性肇因,並經分析墜落或感電職災危害項目屬性,得出工作經歷6個月以下之勞工是高危險族群,其災害件數占墜落職災64.6%、占感電職災52%,再延續探討此經歷勞工族群之不安全行為,其中有41.4%係因未使用或未正確使用個人防護具發生墜落,而有32.8%因未正確使用個人防護具及未使用保險措施或漠視警告等因素發生感電,經由比對剖析資料能更清楚明瞭各屬性項目之關鍵分布與關聯強度,可提供防災的互補防護作為及加強檢查重點。 經由比對屬性相互影響程度及因果關聯,以了解職災資料庫屬性項目之潛在危害狀態與分布情形,藉以提醒勞工對安全行為及安全環境之注意,並提供事業單位之管理者,研擬安全管理措施及落實安全管理機制。The construction industry is one of the most important industry in the national development, which has specific characteristics of strong regional relation, interface complexity, and labor-intensive. With the increasing changes of construction environment, labor faces with changing risk factors. Due to construction workers experienced a higher risk than others, and when a major occupational accident happened, owners or society often suffers more serious loss. According to the major occupational accident data of Council of Labor Affairs, the fatal injury number for the construction industry is higher than any industry. The leading causes of worker deaths were falling, followed by collapse, and electrocution. In the past, the review of construction occupational accident focused on external factors such as machinery, equipment, and working environment, while worker themselves have recently come into focus. Especially in fall and electrocution, those occupational accidents are closely related to their own condition. The study integrated the major occupational accident data in the construction industry from 2000 to 2014. This study is sorted out total 1,261 fall and 198 electrocution accidents in fifteen years and found the causes of accidents are difficult to classify. Labor who work less than six months is high-risk group, which included 64.6% fall accidents, 25% electrocution accidents. Further in-depth analysis of researching the unsafe acts of the high-risk group, in which has 41.4% fall accidents caused by the incorrect using or did not using of protective gear, and which has 32.8% electrocution accidents caused by the incorrect using and did not use insurance safety measure or regarding the warning, and others. By comparison analysis the data, we can understand the main occurrence causes of different risk factors, strengthen supervision and inspection those risk factors. This will reduce the probability of occurrence of occupational accident and focus on the major risk causes. Through the analysis of work experience, unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, disaster occurrence time, and compare the properties with causation to understand the potential hazard and distribution of occupational accident data. By means of the analysis of the accident data, reminding labor to raise the security awareness of work behavior and the environment, while preparing safety management measures and adopt workable security mechanisms to managers.4581000 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/7/6論文使用權限: 同意無償授權墜落職災感電職災工作經歷不安全行為不安全狀況fall accidentselectrocution accidentswork experienceunsafe actsunsafe conditions營造業職災要因分析及因應對策之研究Analysis of Causes and Countermeasures of Occupational Accidentsin Construction Industrythesis10.6342/NTU201600351http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278093/1/ntu-105-P02521714-1.pdf