指導教授:李吉仁臺灣大學:國際企業管理組陳麗君Chen, Lih-JiunLih-JiunChen2014-11-302018-06-292014-11-302018-06-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/263672本論文主旨係探討合約製造商的行銷策略及溝通,以有效強化其與全球採購團隊顧客間的合作關係與驅動力,以提高合約製造商的附加價值。 合約製造商跟任何B2B的廠商一樣,需要考慮如何透過創造價值,贏得客戶長期的喜愛、達成績效目標並維持永續成長。然而,合約製造商長期專注於工廠的管理、品質的穩定與成本的控制的內部改善,卻忽略或不知該如何善用行銷手法來增加附加價值,更不知該如何整合並傳遞其價值給全球採購顧客,以取得長期的合作,最後,只能利用降低成本來達到目的。 本研究經過分析後發現,合約製造商若可以利用B2B的行銷策略與溝通手法,不但可以增加企業的競爭優勢並創造差異化之外,還可以強化與顧客的黏著度、增加顧客認同的價值,並願意付出更高的成本來換取所認同的價值。即使合約製造商沒有要發展自有品牌,也可以在原本的生產能力與品質優勢上加入行銷的元素,讓企業轉型成一個更完善的企業獲利模式。 本研究建議,合約製造商需先了解全球採購公司中的新產品開發流程與決策者,以及在不同的階段所需溝通的對象與被賦予的任務。透過有效的行銷溝通方法,合約製造商可收集到所需資料,並給予不同的溝通來傳遞訊息。由製造導向的企業轉型為行銷導向,並非只是增設一個行銷部門的編制就能擁有這樣的能力,而是需要有長期的策略與規劃,一步一腳印地執行計劃,同時,企業需要擁有行銷的能力、功力與心力;擁有能力可以規劃長遠的公司與行銷策略,功力可以將策略規劃轉化成計畫並執行,心力則是擁有對行銷持續不斷延續的熱情。This thesis aims to analyze the marketing and communications strategy for contract manufacturing suppliers to develop long lasting business relationship with respect to global sourcing companies by understanding the drivers of the global sourcing team. By doing so, the contract manufacturing suppliers can enhance the extent of its value creation and hence strengthen its competitiveness and growth in the global sourcing markets. Similar to any BSB business operation, contract manufacturing suppliers face a complex organization context when engaging businesses with a global sourcing company with an ultimate goal of making profits, growing the business sustainably, and wining long-term business relationship. However, these manufacturing suppliers focus mainly on their manufacturing productivities, product quality so that they can drive costs down to compete in the market. They therefore overly focus on internal factors and overlook the value that marketing efforts can bring to their success. Some might even think that marketing is a waste and unproductive to the final result. Our research finds that contract manufacturing suppliers usually deliver values beyond product quality and price, but they often fail to convert the value into higher price and long-term relationship. They often end up providing a lower cost to secure the business. As a matter of fact, when contract manufacturing suppliers look for long-term margins and growth, cost control is not the only way to make these things happen. They can also leverage B2B marketing strategies and activities to increase competitive advantages and the level of stickiness with customers for a better and more sustainable business model. This research first explains the new product development process and control points from the perspective of a global sourcing company, as well as the roles of related decision-making units with their differential drivers. Their communication should include different messages at the different stages of the processes. It is important to have effective communication to convey the right messages. This is not as simple as having a new marketing function inside the business organization that can own the marketing capability and build on the value of marketing to businesses. It requires a visionary strategy with workable plan for execution. The business should lead the plan, and provide the hand to implement and the heart to be passionate about transforming the company from a production-driven to a production-and-market driven business.Table of Contents Acknowledgments iii Thesis Abstract vi Table of Contents vii List of Figures viii List of Tables ix Chapter 1 - Introduction 10 1.1 Background 10 1.2 Research Motivation 16 1.3 Research Questions 19 1.4 Purpose 20 1.5 Research Methodology 21 1.6 Limitation 21 1.7 Thesis Structure 22 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 24 2.1 Marketing Concept 24 2.2 Strategy and Competitiveness 26 2.3 B2B Marketing Strategy 27 2.4 B2B Decision Making Process 28 2.5 New Product Development Process 29 2.6 Marketing Activities 30 2.7 Contract Manufacturing Suppliers 32 2.8 Global Sourcing 33 Chapter 3 – Global Sourcing: Role and Drivers 35 3.1 Reasons for global sourcing 35 3.2 Roles, drivers and missions 41 3.3 Expectations from the global sourcing 44 Chapter 4 – Marketing Strategy of Contract Manufacturing Suppliers 46 4.1 B2B marketing objective 46 4.2 B2B marketing strategy 47 4.3 Corporate value proposition 50 4.4 Segmentation 51 4.5 Key Account Management 52 4.6 Personal Selling 54 4.7 Value and price analysis 55 4.8 Marketing Communication 56 4.9 Summary 58 Chapter 5 – Conclusions and Recommendations 60 5.1 Conclusions 60 5.2 Recommendations 63 Reference 66   List of Figures Figure 2.1 ̶ The marketing of value 25 Figure 2.2 ̶ Competitiveness and firm strategy 26 Figure 2.3 ̶ A simple marketing system 27 Figure 2.4 ̶ Decision making unit in B2B market 28 Figure 2.5 ̶ An approach with five overlapping stages and gates 30 Figure 2.6 ̶ The level of purchasing and sourcing 34 Figure 3. 1 ̶ New & renovated product development gate and stage matrix flow 41 Figure 3. 2 ̶ The map of functions vs. decision making roles 42 Figure 3. 3 ̶ Innovative matrix framework for product development 45 Figure 4. 1 ̶ The marketing flow and effect 46 Figure 4. 2 ̶ A map of marketing strategy 48 Figure 4. 3 ̶ Marketing development process 49 Figure 4. 4 ̶ Segmentation 52 Figure 4. 5 ̶ Value and price analysis 56 Figure 4. 6 ̶ Marketing communications 57 List of Tables Table 1.1 ̶ Type of global sourcing relationship 12 Table 3. 1 ̶ Arguments in advantage vs. disadvantage for going outsourcing 36 Table 3. 2 ̶ Gates for the new and renovated product development 37 Table 3. 3 ̶ Stages to gather information for the product development 39 Table 3. 4 ̶ Define roles, drivers and missions of global sourcing team 43 Table 4. 1 ̶ Type of concerns when dealing with the sourcing team 542377155 bytesapplication/pdf論文使用權限:不同意授權B2B行銷行銷溝通全球採購合約製造廠商合約製造商對全球採購公司的行銷溝通與策略 之探索性研究An Exploratory Study on the Marketing Communication and Strategy for Contract Manufacturing Suppliers to Global Sourcing Companiesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/263672/1/ntu-103-P00746010-1.pdf