呂學士臺灣大學:電子工程學研究所方貴弘Fang, Kuei-HungKuei-HungFang2007-11-272018-07-102007-11-272018-07-102005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/57643近年來由於小型記憶卡( security digital memory card and multi-media card ) 的需求,可說是每年都在倍數俱增, 一度造成flash memory缺貨日盛。 除既有的世界大廠Samsung、Toshiba投入外,Micro、Hynix、Infineon 陸續在2004年進入量產階段,並進一步推出更高容量的flash memory來因應市場需求,促使搭配小型記憶卡的另一重要元件---控制器IC---也相對日益重要、水漲船高,從而可知控制器IC的研發已刻不容緩。因此,相對於周邊的消費性產品的相容性,是另一個重要的課題。 本論文研究主要在既有不完善的控制器IC下,借著一連串實際理論及結果來改善控制器IC的VDT(Voltage Detected Test)電路,並加強產品本身相容性以便支援更多消費性產品來符合消費市場的需求。此原產品控制器IC存在兩個主要問題急待解決:其一是VDT電路的失效,另外是Canon數位相機(DSC)在開機時會有相容性問題。在本論文將提及有關的驗証流程、 實驗和結果來說明問題所在。最後,我們確認失敗的原因並且修改Layout、net-list和光罩來根本解決問題,以便順利量產。此外,控制器IC使用的製程是 UMC 0.18um 1P4M GENERICII 技術。The production of small memory cards (SD card and MMC card) has significantly increased in recent years, explaining the short supply of flash memory. Large electronics companies, such as Samsung, Toshiba, Micro, Hynix and Infinine produced large quantities of flash memory in 2004 successively. These companies also plan to introduce high-capacity Flash memory to fulfill market demand. Another significant component of small memory cards is the controller IC, which is also increasing the subject of research and development. Therefore, the compatibility among consumer peripheral products is another important subject. This investigation attempts to improve the VDT (voltage detect test) circuit of controller IC and enhance its compatibility to support a wide variety of consumer products in accordance with consumer market demand. The current immature controller IC has two major limitations to be solved. One difficulty is that the VDT circuits do not work. The output-voltage remains the same even when the trimming fuse is destroyed. The other problem is the power-on problem for CANON DSC compatibility issue, caused by power-on-strap failure. The verified procedure, experiments and results are presented in this investigation. Finally, this investigation discovers the root cause of VDT poly fuse resistor and one address pin floating problems, and modifies the layout, net-list and masks to fix the bugs and enable mass production smoothly. The controller IC is fabricated using UMC 0.18um 1P4M GENERICII logic technology.Abstract (Chinese) ii Abstract (English) iv Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivations and Backgrounds 1 1.2 Purpose 5 1.3 Thesis Organization 7 Chapter 2. Review of Controller IC Architecture 2.1 Memory Card System Structure 8 2.1.1 Power Management 10 2.1.2 Flash Memory Access 10 2.1.3 Management of Flash Memory Defects 11 2.1.4 Memory Array Partitioning 11 2.1.5 Error Recovery 12 2.2 System Memory Card Interface 13 2.3 Hardware Functional Block Description 14 2.4 Software Module Descriptions 18 Chapter 3. Analyze the VDT Circuit and Compatibility Issue 3.1 VDT and Compatibility Introduction 22 3.2 Analyze and Review VDT circuit 23 3.2.1 VDT Relay and Trimming setting 27 3.3 VDT Failure Analysis 30 3.3.1 VDT failure rate before trimming 30 3.3.2 VDT trimming analysis 32 3.3.3 VDT possible solutions for FIB verified 34 3.4 Analyze the Compatibility Issue for Power-on Strap 36 Chapter 4. Experimental Results and Discussion 4.1 VDT through FIB verification results 41 4.2 VDT Circuit Modification for Mask 42 4.3 Overall results after FIB verification 44 4.4 Power-on Strap Root Cause and Discussions 45 4.4.1 Modification of xb_ad_ebi(10) Floating Issue 45 4.4.2 Layout Review of xb_ad_ebi(10) Floating Issue 46 Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future work 5.1 conclusions 48 5.1.1 Syndrome on controller IC 48 5.1.2 Root cause 49 5.1.3 Solutions 49 5.2 Future Work 50 Reference 51 Appendix 521216779 bytesapplication/pdfen-US控制器相容性Flash memoryControllerVDTcompatibility改善控制器IC的VDT電路及相容性問題Improve the VDT circuit and compatibility issue of controller ICthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/57643/1/ntu-94-P91943014-1.pdf