工學院: 應用力學研究所指導教授: 許聿翔詹宸豪Chan, Chen-HaoChen-HaoChan2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277020目前在心血管的研究以及藥物篩檢中,主要藉由心肌細胞的收縮表現、跳動頻率,以及其施力曲線等特徵行為作為檢驗的參數之一,發展出心肌細胞行為檢測平台,而其中以心肌細胞收縮表現的平台,並輔以微機電製程作為主軸,發展柔性結構的設計與微流體系統的設計應用最為廣泛。 然而,在目前的研究中,心肌細胞收縮表現的檢測平台,主要藉由光學儀器觀測細胞本身或柔性基材的形變量,並輔以高解析度的影像,在進行後端處理而得到形變量曲線,間接地得到細胞的施力行為,此即最為普遍得到細胞施力曲線的量測方式。為了能自動化且直接地量測到心肌細胞的施力曲線,本研究提出一種檢測平台的設計,以聚偏氟乙烯共聚合物P(VDF-TrFE) 的柔性壓電聚合材料做為壓電微奈米纖維束換能器的核心,為了使其從粉末狀到成形固化成為微奈米纖維束後可具有壓電特性,本研究開發出以壓電紡絲的製造技術,以快速地製作出多組平行陣列的壓電換能器,並結合智能結構,並同時開發1) 細胞對於壓電基材的從屬性、2) 促使細胞對壓電基材產生依附性及3) 微組織培養技術的三項仿生技術,並成功地誘導心肌微組織產生自發性的跳動。最後,本研究架設可自動化量測心肌微組織自我收縮之介面系統,成功的量測到心肌細胞的週期性收縮訊號,並能夠在投予心臟藥物後,量測到受藥物影響後改變的心臟跳動頻率,實現可自動化且直接性檢測心肌細胞施力訊號及初步藥物篩檢的目標。In current development for cardiovascular drug discovery, the main parameters are the cardiac systolic and diastolic profiles, beating frequency, and contractile profile. Among these parameters, cardiac systolic and diastolic profiles are the most common, and the monitoring systems are usually based on flexible substrates fabricated by MEMS based microfluidic system is widespread. However, the systems for monitoring cardiac systolic and diastolic profiles are mostly based on an optical systems, and the force profiles is estimated from calculation of the deformation of cells or flexible substrates. Hence, the detection is not direct and could not directly infer relationship between cardiac contraction and drug. To achieve a fully automatic, real-time and direct massive cardiac drug monitoring system, a platform for real-time monitoring cardiac contractile profile was developed in this study. A piezoelectric material, [poly[(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene]; P(VDF-TrFE:75/25)], was chosen to be the core of the transducer. It is composed of multiple nanofibers to create piezoelectric nanofiber bundles. In order to rapidly develop nanofiber bundles, the electrospinning method was applied. The parallelly oriented piezoelectric nanofiber bundles could be massively fabricated. The overall platforms could be fabricated in one day. A biomimetic substrate coating for facilitating cardiomyocyte adhesion and maturation was also developed. Furthermore, an interface system for monitoring contraction of cardiac micro-tissue was developed and could directly and automatically convert the mechanical force of cardiomyocyte to electrical signals. Also, we verified that this platform can detect cardiac contractile profile by administrating Isoproterenol and Verapamil compounds.論文使用權限: 不同意授權心肌細胞壓電材料壓電紡絲實驗晶片藥物即時篩檢系統cardiomyocytepiezoelectric materialelectrospun nanofiber bundleslab on chipreal time monitoring system可應用於心臟藥物篩檢之壓電微奈米纖維束製程與系統開發Development of Aligned P(VDF-TrFE) Piezoelectric Nanofiber Bundles for Cardiac Drug Screening Applicationthesis10.6342/NTU201601769