工學院: 機械工程學研究所指導教授: 劉霆陳鵬宇Chen, Peng-YuPeng-YuChen2017-03-132018-06-282017-03-132018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278258本研究針對二速三軸齒輪系架構為基礎,建立一套完整的設計流程與方法,期望透過齒輪箱內部構件設計搭配電腦輔助最佳化達成齒輪系輕量化之目的,並佐以軸承選用,使軸承能夠以現有的型錄做最適合之搭配。本論文首先由基礎力學理論發展齒輪系數學模型,並針對齒輪系內部構件列出完整的設計方法。接著以分支限界法為基礎,搭配遺傳基因演算法,推導出符合目標要求之最輕量化設計,並針對其整數齒數的選用、最佳嚙合齒數的調整、軸承規格之選用提出相關的流程與方法,並檢視其結果與一般傳統設計方法之優劣。之後藉由分析模擬討論不同齒輪系配置設定中的最佳設計佈局架構,再透過參數靈敏度分析得出各變數對目標函數的靈敏程度,並討論其對目標函數造成的影響,進一步供設計者作為設計時判斷取捨的依據。本研究藉由應用設計技巧與最佳化方法,建立一完整而系統化的齒輪系設計流程,將有助於車輛變速系統未來之發展與研究。The purpose of this study was to develop a design approach of two-speed helical gear train system and to find out the suitable selection method of bearings which could fit the available bearing catalog. In this study, first, the total weight of gear train was optimized by genetic algorithm. According to the design requirement and structural features constraints, the mathematical model of optimization which took the basic design variables and total weight loss as the objective function was established. The branch and bound method was also applied to set up for the design processes of choosing integer number of teeth, satisfying the hunting ratio and fitting the bearing selection properly. Second, with altering the different gear train configuration settings, the better design could be determined as a conclusion. Further, each variable would be examined in sensitivity. Accordingly, the conclusion could provide the designer to make trade-offs based on the design process. By developing a complete design of lightweight optimization, the study findings may serve as development and further research of the vehicle transmission system.3121139 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)二速三軸齒輪系設計方法輕量化設計基因演算法分枝限界法Two-speed gear trainThree-axis layoutDesign methodLightweight designGenetic algorithmBranch and bound method二速三軸齒輪系之設計分析與最佳化Optimization and Design Approach to the Two-Speed Helical Gear Train with Three-Axisthesis10.6342/NTU201602244http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278258/1/ntu-105-R03522620-1.pdf