謝寶煖Hsieh, Pao-Nuan臺灣大學:圖書資訊學研究所蔡玉珍Tsai, Yu-ChenYu-ChenTsai2010-05-052018-05-302010-05-052018-05-302009U0001-1203200909193400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179717大學圖書館與高等教育品質兩者間息息相關,對於大學圖書館所扮演的角色、可提供的服務,或是所應具備的軟硬體設施,學者們所研究與討論的多集中於一般性大學圖書館,對於技職體系大學圖書館則罕有著墨。根據民國97年教育部統計處所提供之「大專校院名錄」(http://www.edu.tw/files/site_content/b0013/u1.xls)可知,技職體系之大學校數遠多於一般體系之大學。透過前置調查發現:一般體系與技職體系大學院校圖書館在館舍面積上沒有顯著差異,然在館藏量和館員人數上卻有顯著差異,而且技職體系大學院校圖書館之館藏量和館員人數平均只有一般體系之半數而已。故本研究以技職體系大學院校圖書館為對象,探討其圖書館建築規劃設計理念與做法,同時檢視相關文獻之觀點和建議與技職體系大學院校圖書館實際作為間的異同。研究方法以半結構式訪談法為主、觀察法為輔,調查自民國91年起至97年止六年內,曾進行新建、整建或擴建之技職體系大學院校圖書館,以實際參與館舍空間規劃設計之館長或組長為訪談對象,共計訪談13所圖書館。研究結果顯示:技職體系大學院校圖書館空間規劃設計的理念,在於「功能性的齊備」、「吸引使用者入館」與「實用性的維護」三方面;而影響圖書館空間規劃設計的因素,便在於「行政決策」、「經費限制」、「環境」、「人為」等四方面;同時提出16點研究建議與8點進一步研究之建議。The university library relates closely to the quality of higher education. The researches on the qualified role、services and software/hardware equipments of the academic library are focused mainly on the comprehensive universities, rarely on the technological and vocational colleges and universities. According to “2008 Summary of universities, colleges, and junior colleges” of the Department of Statistics of Ministry of Education (http://www.edu.tw/files/site_content/b0013/ul.xls), the total numbers of the technological and vocational colleges and universities are more than the comprehensive universities. Through the investigation, we find that there are no obvious differences on the area of libraries, but evident discrepancies on the collections and librarians between them. That is, the total collections and librarians of the technological and vocational colleges and universities are only half of them of the comprehensive universities. Thus, this research is firstly to discuss the design conceptions and ways of library buildings. Secondly, to survey the similarities and differences between the ideas and suggestions from scholars’ related articles and the actual situations of the libraries.his research is implemented chiefly by half-structure interview and secondarily by observation. The directors or the chiefs of section who had actually participated the library space planning and design when the library is new-borned、renewed or enlarged from 2002 to 2008 are listed as the interviewees. A total of 13 libraries of the technological and vocational institutes are interviewed. The results show that : the library space planning and design conceptions of the technical education institutes are emphasized on three parts -- the completeness of library function、entrance into library of attracting users and pragmatic maintenance of the building. While the elements which affect library space planning and design are administrative decision、expenses limit、environment and artificial reasons. Finally, this research provides 16 proposals for reference and 8 suggestions for further study.謝 辭 ii文摘要 iii文摘要 iv 次 vi 次 viii 次 ix一章 緒論 1一節 問題陳述 1二節 研究目的 3三節 研究範圍與限制 3四節 名詞解釋 5二章 文獻分析 7一節 大學圖書館與使用者需求 7二節 大學圖書館實體空間之論辯 11三節 圖書館作為社交空間 17四節 圖書館空間計劃與設施 19三章 研究方法與步驟 31一節 研究方法 31、研究架構 31、研究方法 32、研究對象 32、研究實施 33、資料分析 34二節 研究步驟 35四章 結果與討論 37一節 個案分析 37二節 訪談結果與整理 42、行政與環境方面 43、人為因素方面 67、空間利用與配置方面 77、功能與服務方面 107、風貌與品質方面 137三節 綜合討論 142五章 結論與建議 151一節 結論 151二節 建議 156三節 進一步研究之建議 161錄一:各校網路調查統計表 164錄二:訪談大綱 169錄三:觀察記錄表 170考文獻 172application/pdf2681931 bytesapplication/pdfen-US大學圖書館技職校院圖書館圖書館空間空間使用規劃設計University LibraryTechnological and Vocational EducationLibrary SpaceUtilization of SpaceDesign Planning我國技職體系大學院校圖書館空間規劃設計之研究A Survey and Study of Library Space Planning and Design of the Technological and Vocational Colleges and Universities in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179717/1/ntu-98-P95126003-1.pdf