社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 沈中華; 唐代彪林士傑Lin, Shih-JieShih-JieLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274625本研究探討自沈中華、林士傑、唐代彪、蕭育仁(2015a),以及Chung-Hua Shen, Shih-Jie Lin, De-Piao Tang, and Yu-Jen Hsiao(2015b) “The Relationship between Financial Disputes and Financial Literacy”二篇文章,運用金融監督管理委員會2011年的國民金融知識調查資料,針對台灣民眾金融知識影響金融消費行為進行二大議題的實證研究,首先在「台灣民眾金融知識程度與不良信用債務貸款行為之關聯性」方面,另外引入自我控制變數,一併探討與不良信用債務貸款行為之關聯性,Logit實證模型發現,具備自我控制能力與金融知識程度愈高的民眾,其越不會面臨過度信用貸款與使用信用卡預借現金的問題,代表信用管理與現金流動性管理能力較佳,而且自我控制能力與金融知識程度對民眾信用貸款行為的影響力有過之而無不及。另外,台灣民眾的性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度、家世背景與家庭年所得程度,皆為影響民眾不良信用貸款行為的重要影響因素。其次在「金融知識程度與金融消費糾紛之關聯性」方面,實證結果顯示,金融知識程度對民眾發生金融消費糾紛及處理的積極程度具有顯著的負向影響,也代表本研究所強調金融知識的程度對於事前預防金融消費糾紛的發生扮演重要的影響因素;最後考慮選樣偏誤與內生性的問題,再次確認本文研究結論相當具有穩健性。本研究結論具有高度的政策實務意涵,研究結果可提供決策者制定相關金融消費者保護政策相關建議,倘若讓社會大眾掌握金融知識,正確使用金融工具,可事前減少不當信貸及金融消費糾紛的發生,並降低社會成本促進金融體系的健全。In This study, we follow Chung-Hua Shen, Shih-Jie Lin, De-Piao Tang, and Yu-Jen Hsiao(2015a,2015b) and use Logit regression model for Third Undertaken National Financial Literacy survey in 2011 by Financial Supervisory Commission(FSC) in Taiwan to examine the relationship between self-control, financial literacy and harmful consumer credit behavior. Lack self-control and financial illiteracy are positively associated with consumer over-indebtness and consumer cash advance. It means that people with lack self-control or financial illiteracy are more likely to suffer consumer credit problems. In most specifications we find a stronger role for lack of self-control than financial illiteracy in explaining consumer over-indebtness. This study also examines financial literacy and its relationship with financial disputes that have rarely been discussed in other studies. Our empirical evidence suggests that people with a higher financial literacy are less likely to experience financial disputes. When the purchase of financial products and services leads to a financial dispute, people with a higher financial literacy will aggressively handle the problem. In addition, physiological characteristics, like gender, marriage status, education level, family origin and household income, are also key factors affecting the chance to suffer consumer credit and financial disputes. Finally, our results are robustness to the potentially endogeneity and selection bias issue ,and show that our conclusions are useful for the government, practitioners, and the public.論文使用權限: 不同意授權金融知識自我控制過度信用貸款信用卡預借現金金融消費糾紛金融消費糾紛處理積極程度Financial LiteracySelf-controlOver-indebtnessCash advancedfinancial disputespositive attitudes toward resolving financial disputes兩篇有關於金融知識的文章:台灣的實證研究Two Essays on Empirical Studies of Financial Literacy in Taiwanthesis10.6342/NTU201600135