2010-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/698720摘要:本研究計畫的主要目的是擬探討臺灣有子女家庭的收入不平等的長期變遷及其M型化的可能性和變遷。以1976年至2006年行政院主計處所收集的「家庭收支調查」資料,預期以兩年期的規劃時間,探討下列四個研究問題: (一) 臺灣有子女家庭的家庭收入分配情形如何?自1976年至今,隨著時間推移,家庭收入分配呈現何種趨勢?貧富差距的變化又是如何? (二) 臺灣有子女家庭的家庭收入分配,是否隨著勞動市場的需求以及家庭人口結構的變化影響?若將有子女家庭依其家庭結構特性與戶長的人口、勞動市場特性分為次群體,則臺灣所得分配的不平等,究竟是來自群體間的差異、或是群體內的差異?而群體間差異與群體內差異,受到勞動市場效應影響或者是人口結構的影響,何者為大? (三) 臺灣有子女家庭的家庭收入是否有M型化的現象?若有,是一種怎樣的面貌?它又是如何隨時間變化? (四) 不同收入分量的家庭是受到哪些勞動市場的需求以及家庭人口結構的影響?隨著時間的遷移,這些影響因素又呈現怎樣的變化? 本研究擬藉由整合勞動市場因素、家庭人口結構等影響因素及其變遷,以探究三十年來臺灣有子女家庭所得不平等究竟是哪種效果的變動影響(群組間差異vs.群組內差異,所得效果vs. 家庭人口結構效果)。分別採用勞動市場與家庭架構(labor market-family framework)和分量迴歸(quantile regression)等方法,分析有子女家庭收入不平等的群體間差異和群體內差異及收入效果和家庭人口結構效果,其中群組依家庭類型、主要家庭收入者的年齡、教育和居住地都市化交叉分為135個次群體。另外,分量迴歸中針對不同的所得分量,進行不同的分量迴歸,並進一步透過不同時間的比較,掌握有子女家庭所得分配的位置改變(location shift)和形狀改變(shape shift),其中形狀改變又區分為使尺度改變(scale shift)和偏態改變(skewness shift),以探討臺灣有子女家庭所得分配M型化的可能和變化。預期在有子女家庭收入的不平等現象的探究上有具體的研究發現,並對政府的社會平等和家庭政策制定上能有所助益。 <br> Abstract: This research project aims to examine income inequality and its change from 1976 to 2006 among families with children in Taiwan. And, it will also explore the issue of the two-tail polarization (hereafter M-shape polarization) and its trend of family income distribution among Taiwanese family with children. The data for this research are from Survey of Family Income and Expenditure from 1976 to 2006, conducted by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan. Four research questions are proposed to be answered in two-year proposed schedule. These four research questions are as follows: 1. What is the trend of income inequality among family with children? 2. Which are the main forces contributed to the dynamics of income inequality with children, income effect, demographic effect, or both? 3. Whether does the M-shape Polarization of family income distribution occur in Taiwan? And, what does it look like? 4. How do the labor market and family demographic changes shape the movement of the M-shape Polarization of family income distribution if it does exist? In attempting to explain the trend of income inequality among families with children, labor-market—family framework, developed by Western, Bloome, and Perchski will be applied to decompose them into between-group and within-group inequality. Between-group inequality describes variation across groups with different family characteristics, and within-group inequality posits heterogeneity in groups with the same family characteristics. Both between-group and within-group inequalities are further decomposed into income and demographic effects to allow us assessing the relative importance of components contributed to the change or trend of income inequality. Analytical groups in this research are specified by education, family type, age groups, and urbanization of residential place and yields 135groups. To shed light on the issue of two-tail polarization of family income, 19 equispaced quantile regressions (p = .05, …, .95) proposed to be estimated. Location shift, scale shift, and skewness shift, based on and , will be calculated to identify whether M-shape polarization of family income distribution has occurred in Taiwan and how it has changed over time. Policy implications will be discussed based on the findings so that the well-being of children within family can be enhanced.有子女家庭所得所得不平等家庭所得分配M型化勞動市場與家庭架構分量迴歸income inequality of familyM-shape polarizationlabor-market—family frameworkquantile regression有子&#63873;家庭所得&#63847;平等之變遷(2/2)