杜保瑞臺灣大學:哲學研究所蔡龍九Tsai, Lung-ChiuLung-ChiuTsai2010-05-052018-05-292010-05-052018-05-292009U0001-2207200914264200http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179116摘要 本文從王陽明之《朱子晚年定論》一書作為核心,而依此的三個問題作出延伸談論。第一;《朱子晚年定論》本身的問題意識為何?第二;《朱子晚年定論》之立論是否合理。第三;《朱子晚年定論》造成何種延伸問題。 上述三個問題在筆者初步探究之後,則導出幾個延伸談論。第一;「朱陸異同」或是「朱王異同」其「同異」的內容分別為何?第二;參與談論「朱陸異同」問題的學者又如何提出看法、所贊成或反對的內涵為何?第三;「朱陸異同」或「朱王異同」在「調和」與「反調和」之間又造成何種問題、如何釐清?第四;「朱陸異同」或「朱王異同」如何更清楚的說明清楚? 針對上述共七個主要議題中,於本文中欲一一釐清。於第二章開始,即談論有關王陽明對朱熹的批評與認同內容,並談論《朱子晚年定論》的要義,一併處理王陽明對朱熹的批評或認同內容大要,並談論其中的合理性,與此書所造成的影響。 《朱子晚年定論》此書所造成的影響,則有關「調和」或「反調和」朱陸者紛紛表達立場;於第三章中,則詳細談論有關此「朱陸異同爭論」的問題。既然談論此段爭論,筆者主要從元、明、清等多位學者的談論中,一一精要談論他們的述說,並反省他們立論之合理性。 從第三章的談論導出筆者自身對於「朱陸異同爭論」的幾個問題歸結,並舉出解決問題的方向與方式。於第四章中,則再次衡定朱、陸、王三人的重要思想,並對照所謂爭論者所提之「年代早晚」與「異同」的關聯性,來陳述三人思想的精要,以釐清「朱陸異同爭論」中,某些學者提出的一些錯誤的批評。 既然「朱陸異同爭論」在元、明、清數百年談論中未有共識,其談論方式更涉及「立場」問題。故筆者於第五章中,提出自身的論述方式,來說明朱、陸、王於何種脈絡下可談「同」,而其「異」又如何面對。此章,「工夫心」即筆者所欲求「同」的談論方式,並交代「異」的內容。 上述數章的談論之後,筆者於第六章總結本文,欲求得清晰的「《朱子晚年定論》之相關探究」之成果。Abstracthis dissertation centers on Wang Yang-ming’s The Later Chu Hsi: The Conclusion (chu tzu wan nien ting lun) to expand on three fundamental questions. The first one investigates the book’s problem consciousness. The second one concerns the validity of the related arguments. The third one pertains to the extended problems of this book.n addition, more extended questions which closely relate to the three fundamental questions need to be examined as well. The first one refers to the definition and the content of the similarities and dissimilarities respectively in “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu” and “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Wang.” The second question concerns the arguments proposed by the scholars involved in the discussions of “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu.” The third question explores how the reconciliatory position and the irreconciliatory position affect “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu” and “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Wang” respectively, and the ways to clarify these controversies. My fourth concern then is to articulate “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu” or “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Wang” with more lucidity and precision.y dissertation aims to delve into these above-mentioned questions one by one. In Chapter II, I will inquire Wang’s evaluation on Chu, sort out his critique as well as their agreement, and highlight the tenor of The Later Chu Hsi. I will also probe the validity of Wang’s critique together with the influence of this book.cholars from polarized positions have put forth their views on the influence of his book. Chapter III will go into details on the debates focused on “the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lu.” My investigation includes the scholars in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, a concise assortment as well as careful reconsideration of their arguments.ollowing the assortments of Chapter III, I will put forth my own original conclusions and my proposal of solutions for these debates. In the forth chapter, I will evaluate again the thinking of Chu, Lu, and Wang based on my attempted assortment on the controversies over the relation between the problem of the chronicle and the discussion of similarities and dissimilarities in order to point out certain problematic arguments.he fact that no consensus has been reached in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties accentuates the positional problem. I will elucidate my own theoretical position and argument in the fifth chapter, and argue in what context can one situates similarities and dissimilarities in the discussions of Chu, Lu and Wang. In this chapter, I propose the idea of “gong-fu-xin” to reconcile and elucidate the thinking of Chu, Lu and Wang.inally in chapter six I will summarize my dissertation, which aims throughout to carve out a more accurate and explicit scholarly research on The Later Chu Hsi: The Final Conclusion.目 錄試委員會審定書………………………………………………...… i謝………………………………………………………………….... ii文摘要……………………………………………………………... iii文摘要……………………………………………………………... iv一章 緒論………………………………………….………….….. 1二章 《朱子晚年定論》及其相關內涵………………………… 43 第一節 陽明對朱子的批判與認同………………………….. 44 第二節 《朱子晚年定論》的內容要旨與初步評述……….. 70三章 《朱子晚年定論》所造成的現象與延伸問題………….. 98 第一節 調和者對「朱陸異同」的談論內容……………….. 99 第二節 反調和者對「朱陸異同」的談論內容…………… 151 第三節 雙方爭論之形式、問題的歸結與解決方向……… 210四章 陸、王與朱子中晚年思想之衡定……………………… 219 第一節 朱子思想及其轉折之相關探究…………………… 220 第二節 陸、王思想之儒學判定…………………………… 277五章 朱、陸、王異同的判斷模式與「工夫心」…………… 328 第一節 《定論》之歸結與「工夫心」的判斷方式……… 329 第二節 從「工夫心」反省朱、陸、王三人的「同異」… 360六章 結論…………………………………………………….... 394考文獻…………………………………………………………… 400錄一:朱陸異同爭論史概略…………………………………… 406錄二:朱子之重要年代勾勒…………………………………… 428application/pdf1882780 bytesapplication/pdfen-US《朱子晚年定論》「朱王異同」「朱陸異同」「工夫心」The Later Chu Hsi: The Conclusion (chu tzu wan nien ting lun)the similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Wangthe similarities and dissimilarities between Chu and Lugong-fu-xin.《朱子晚年定論》之相關探究A Comprehensive Analysis of he Later Chu Hsi: The Final Conclusionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179116/1/ntu-98-D93124001-1.pdf