管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 黃俊堯林志叡Lin, Chih-JuiChih-JuiLin2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274429台灣咖啡消費量隨著咖啡市場的成長,以達到將近每年600億的市值,其中每年每人大約會飲用約100杯咖啡,代表除了銷售額的增加外,咖啡逐漸走入每個人生活中的一部分。因此在市場逐漸擴大的情況下,台灣消費者逐漸對於咖啡豆的品質越來越在意,而不僅僅只是將咖啡當作攝取咖啡因的產品,而想要更深入了咖啡之來源以及其風味陳述。因此濾咖啡在2015年看準了咖啡市場的成長以及對市場大部分消費者對於咖啡認識的不足,期待能透過簡單以及客製化的方式,招募消費者體驗每個月五支不同的精品咖啡豆,以提高消費者對於精品咖啡之認識,並採行國外行之有年之訂閱式模型(Subscription Model),期待能創造每年穩定之消費額。 但在半年的努力下,濾咖啡線上網站銷售無法像線下銷售管道一樣創造出定量的訂單,因此在此時點下,為了擴展線上業務,濾咖啡決定進行廣告活動,希冀能透過廣告之效果提高線上銷售之情況。因此本研究將透過對網路市場之觀察,依據所獲得之信息做出廣告策略,挑選適合自身產業之網路廣告,使廣告操作能極大化網路廣告,達到公司之最大獲利。而所要進行之方法為在臉書以及谷歌兩大廣告平台下,利用複數之變因進行連續性之廣告操作,觀察消費者對於廣告之反應以及效益,並判斷其於網站中之使用情形,計算何種型態的廣告能擁有最低之CPA(Cost per Action),及此費用使值得進行投資。在結論中,本研究發現谷歌廣告下的表現較臉書差上許多,其網站跳離率較高,同時帶來轉換之成本過高,而同時以整體廣告效益來說,兩平台對於咖啡電子商務之銷售由於成本過高,因此以濾咖啡為例採行網路廣告以現階段來說效果不彰。Coffee market in Taiwan expand quickly in recent years, most of people in Taiwan drinks 100 cups of coffee per year, creating up to 700 million dollars. When drinking coffee become part of our life, Taiwanese consumers are more and more concerned about the quality of coffee beans, and not just take the coffee as caffeine products. Therefore, the increasing trend of more in-depth realization of coffee’s origin and its flavor change consumer’s purchasing behavior. To keep up with the trend, Filtre Café company spotted the growth of the coffee market, trying to use a simple and customized way to offer consumers a monthly coffee delivery to raise the awareness of the specialty coffee, and adopt the subscription-based model to create stable revenue. But in six months of efforts, Filtre Café company can’t use the website channel to earn stable online sales. As to expand the online business, Filtre Café decided to conduct advertising campaign, hoping to improve online sales through the exposure effect of advertising. Therefore, to see the effectiveness of the advertising strategy in coffee e-commerce, this study attempted to implement the advertising activities, and change the variable in each activity based on the previous variable performance. By observing consumer response to advertising effectiveness, we use CPA (cost per Action) 、CPC(cost per click) and transfer rate to determine what variable of advertisement was most effective. In the results, the CPA of advertisement on google platform was much higher than the CPA on facebook, also its website transfer rate was much lower. While for the whole advertising in these two platform, it didn’t bring out the sales through the advertisement, therefore took Filtre Café company as an example to the adoption of Internet advertising is ineffective at this stage.論文使用權限: 不同意授權咖啡每次行動費用點擊費用廣告操作線上廣告電子商務coffeeCPACPCad operationsonline advertisinge-commerce臉書及谷歌廣告比較:線上咖啡銷售之實際個案Facebook and Google Advertisement Comparison –The Actual Case of the Online Coffee Sales Operatingthesis10.6342/NTU201600592