國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所#VALUE!何輝慶Ho, H.C.H.C.Ho2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-282002-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282078人類社會常因利益和思想的對立而發生衝突,為解決彼此衝突,透過談判交涉一直是重要的方式,所以談判是當事人在爭與讓,取與捨之間,嘗試尋求雙方都同意接受的條件和過程。過去歷史上即發生不少商業或政治談判的事例。海峽兩岸在經過長時期的彼此對抗後,民國七○年代後期雙邊關係逐漸解凍,民國七十五年五月偶發的「兩航談判」開啟了直接接觸談判的先機,七十六年開放大陸探親政策施行後,兩岸有一連串的事務性商談。但兩岸在人口、面積……等各種條件上差距懸殊,形成談判學理上的「不對稱結構談判」。本文研究的主要目的在台灣實力居於弱勢時,如何與大陸談判,以求得最大的利益,文章中首先就中外學者對談判策略的分析加以引申,從而探求弱勢者如何運用本身條件,在「以小搏大」態勢下尋求強勢者最大的讓步。接著從歷史上的國共談判實例,找尋在當年中共居弱勢時如何運用各種策略和國民政府談判,而居於不敗之勢。這些例證可做為今天我們談判之參考,而達知己知彼之效。最後檢視十多年來兩岸談判的情況,及選擇兩個個案分析,以增強我方未來如何更有效的準備和運用策略之能力,來達到生存的最有利途徑。Negotiation is an important way of managing conflict among people. Negiotiation is also a process of give-and-take and an attempt of both parties to reach acceptable terms. There were many examples of commercial and political negotiations in history. After a long period of rivalry between each other, the cross- strait relationship between Taiwan and the Mainland has been defrosted since the latter half of the 1980s. In May 1986 the accidental negotiation between two airline companies opened the opportunity for direct contact and negotiation between two sides. Taiwan government allowed its people to visit their family members in the mainland in 1986, followed by a series of technical negotiations. However, due to the differences in population, size---etc., the negotiation between Taiwan and the mainland is termed as "asymmetric structural negotiation". The purpose of this thesis is to study how the weaker-Taiwan-to negotiate with the stronger-the Chinese Mainland--, in order to pursue its best interest. The thesis begins first with the analysis of negotiation strategies from both foreign and local scholars' works. Then it will discuss how the weaker gains interests by using its resources to fight against the stronger. The thesis also tries to find out how the Communist Party, the weaker at the time, defeated the Kuomintang by utilizing all kinds of negotiation strategies. The study of the historical example of negotiations between Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party can be a good rdference to us. In the end the thesis will review the cross-strait negotiations in the past ten more years, and discuss what would be our weakness and how we can make more effective use of strategies and preparations for the future.談判談判策略不對稱結構談判兩岸談判negotiationnegotiating across the Taiwan straitsnegotiating decision-makingasymmetrical negotiation不對稱結構下的兩岸談判Asymmetric Cross-Strait Negotiationjournal article