電機資訊學院: 資訊工程學研究所指導教授: 陳文進; 吳家麟鍾文藍Zhong, Wen-LanWen-LanZhong2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275531由於目前電子商務快速成長,消費者已習慣在 Amazon、iTunes 或 eBay 等網站購買商品,而且將來要在線上直接購買數位媒體如音樂、圖像或是影片等只會越來越常見。要保護這些數位內容的一個常見方法是採用數位浮水印。根據一些相關的研究顯示,一般的數位浮水印在遭遇幾何攻擊時並不安全,所以我們會使用基於幾何矩的浮水印方法來抵抗這種攻擊。在我們的商業模型中,數位內容的擁有者會透過數位商務公司來銷售他們的產品,同時數位商務公司必須負責將數位浮水印加入數位內容中。不過若是數位內容的擁有者不相信這些公司,那麼事先加密就可以用來保護這些有價值的數位內容。由於我們在製作浮水印的過程中引入了加密系統的緣故,所以像 Paillier 這樣具有加法同態性的加密系統就可以用來嵌入數位浮水印。然而,加密後的數位內容檔案大小相當大,所以在本文中,我們利用中國剩餘定理來克服加密後檔案資料劇增這個加密技術中常遇到的難題。With the rapid growth of e-commerce, consumers getting used to buy goods from e-trading websites, and buying digital media such as music, images, and videos directly online become more and more popular. To protect the digital products, digital watermarking is a commonly adopted approach. According to some relative researches, general watermarking schemes are not robust enough while undergoing the geometric attacks. Facing this challenge, the well-performed moment-based watermarking techniques are utilized to against these attacks. Moreover, in our commerce model, content owners sell or delegate their products to e-commerce service providers (or reselling agents) and these delegations are responsible for embedding watermarks into the content. Nevertheless, if content owner does not trust the delegations, doing encryption is helpful in protecting treasurable contents in advance. Therefore, we include an effective cryptosystem into our watermarking procedures. Since additive homomorphism is a must for directly conducting watermark embedding in the encryption domain, the well-known additive homomorphic cryptosystem: Paillier is taken into account. Finally, the encrypted content size will be enlarged, with the aid of Chinese Remainder Theorem, we will show how to deal with this commonly faced troublesome issue in doing encryption.2338861 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/9/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)數位商務數位浮水印幾何攻擊圖像標準化Paillier加密系統中國剩餘定理E-commerceDigital WatermarkingGeometric AttacksImage NormalizationPaillier CryptosystemChinese Remainder Theorem藉由中國剩餘定理之可靠且安全的數位浮水印方法A Robust and Secure Watermarking Scheme with Chinese Remainder Theoremthesis10.6342/NTU201601073http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275531/1/ntu-105-R03922134-1.pdf