工學院: 高分子科學與工程學研究所指導教授: 林江珍徐嘉言Hsu, Chia-YenChia-YenHsu2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274255具有磁性的四氧化三鐵/石墨烯/分散劑複合材可以藉由直接合成磁性四氧化三鐵於分散之片狀石墨烯上並且應用於汙水處理吸附,而自製的分散劑為實驗室先前發明之POEM。吸附原油的性能被大量的測試:有藉由POEM分散之石墨烯由於具有極高的比表面積可以用於吸附原油,吸附能力可以由未加POEM的6倍提升至有加POEM後的220倍。同時,藉由複合磁性四氧化三鐵粒子於中油之石墨上,石墨烯/POEM/四氧化三鐵複合材在1/1/8的比例下可以同時吸附原油高達220倍並且在外加磁場的操控下,可以將帶有原油的複合材聚集並利用磁力完整的回收達到吸油的效果。此外,石墨烯/POEM/四氧化三鐵複合材之吸附性能具有反覆利用的特性,在十次吸附脫附原油的循環之後吸附性能幾乎都不會下降,具有回收的特性。 另外我們同時製備粉末狀的磁性石墨烯以及膜狀的石墨烯膜,因為粉末狀和膜狀的石墨烯應用於實際海上原油吸附的時候可以直接接觸原油表面進行吸附,不像是溶液態之石墨烯/POEM/四氧化三鐵複合材必須藉由外力的混合而達到原油吸附的效果。然而,粉末狀的磁性石墨烯只能吸附10到20倍的原油,並不足以提供實際吸油的應用。而膜狀的石墨烯可以吸附高達93倍,除了吸附速率快這項優點之外,對於實際應用端具有相當的潛力,同時也說明了分散對於石墨烯吸油性能的提升有顯著的效果。The magnetic Fe3O4/Graphene/Dispersant hybrids for oil–water separation were fabricated by the in situ synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles on graphene sheets in the presence of the home-made dispersant, poly(oxyethylene)-segmented imide (POEM). The property of absorbing crude oil was examined. With POEM, graphene was dispersed with high specific surface area for oil absorption of crude oil at the capacity of 6 g g-1 by the pristine carbon material and 220 g g-1 by the dispersed graphene. By embedding the magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles, the CPC graphene-like/POEM/Fe3O4 at 1/1/8 weight ratio enabled to absorb crude oil and resulting physically aggregating and being maneuverable under the applied magnetic field. Further, the absorption capacities of the CPC graphene-like/POEM/Fe3O4 remained after 10 times of repetitive usages and recyclability. Powder type of graphene/POEM/Fe3O4 and film type of graphene/POEM/water- borne PU were also prepared to enhance the possibility for realistic absorbing application, because rather than solution type of graphene/POEM/Fe3O4, powder type and film type can contact crude oil directly without using external mechanical force. Powder type of CPC graphene-like/POEM/Fe3O4 had only 10~20 g g-1 crude oil capacity so that it was not enough for practical application. On the contrary, film type of graphene/POEM/wPU had up to 93 g g-1 crude oil capacity and was applicable for realistic absorbing crude oil on sea water.論文使用權限: 不同意授權石墨烯高分子型分散劑磁性氧化鐵粒子原油吸附回收graphenepolymeric dispersantmagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticlesoil absorptionrecyclability.磁性氧化鐵及分散石墨烯複合材應用於原油吸附Magnetic Fe3O4/Graphene/Dispersant Hybrids as a Highly Efficient and Recyclable Sorbent for Crude Oilthesis10.6342/NTU201601025