陳郁蕙(Yu Hui Chen)陳雅惠(Ya-Hui Chen)林羿杏(Yi-Sing Lin)李俊鴻(Chun-Hung Lee)2020-02-072020-02-0720170546-9600https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/455530https://www.hyread.com.tw/hyreadnew/search_detail_new.jsp?dtd_id=3&sysid=00480252國內冷凍年菜市場雖逐年成長卻愈來愈競爭,消費者偏好將影響冷凍年菜產品之市 場發展,但過去文獻在分析消費者對各產品屬性之偏好與購買行為冷凍年菜甚至市場區 隔之研究較少,故本研究目的為探討國內消費者對冷凍年菜之消費行為,以及代言、認 證及其他產品特性對消費者的購買行為與願付價格之影響。研究結果顯示,國人購買冷 凍年菜主要是基於省時便利,購買者多為女性、年齡介於40-59 歲、已婚且教育程度為 大學 (專),而家庭同住人數為3 人以上且一同食用年菜人數為4-8 人。由於受訪者對冷 凍年菜偏好具異質性,因此利用隨機參數羅吉斯 (random parameter logit, RPL) 模型進行 分析,結果顯示消費者顯著偏好之菜色品項為佛跳牆類、功夫菜類等準備較具困難度的 年菜,且偏好名店代言、有認證、強調健康養身之冷凍年菜。消費者對各種屬性之願付 價格亦有所差異,其中佛跳牆類願付價格最高為512 元,其次依序是認證之321 元、飯 店餐廳通路之274 元與名店代言之270 元。本研究屬性等級屬離散型,因此可進一步利用潛在類別模型 (latent class model, LCM) 依據各種屬性進行分群,研究結果可分成高學 歷大家庭並瞭解認證組 (第一組) 與小家庭且較不瞭解認證組 (第二組),不同消費族群 (第一組與第二組) 對冷凍年菜的菜色品項偏好並差異,然而在品牌代言、認證、食用偏 好與購買通路上則有差異,因此反映在願付價格亦有所差異。最後,根據STP 理論與估 計結果,利用不同市場變數或屬性做區隔市場,分析消費者之偏好,以作為冷凍年菜業 者或各通路販售業者定位市場、商品設計與行銷之參考。Although the market of the frozen New Year dishes is expanding every year, but it is more and more competition. And the preference of consumers has prominent impact on its growth. Not many studies, however, analyzed consumers’ preference and purchasing behavior over the frozen New Year dishes. The purpose of the study is to investigate the consumers’ behavior and willingness to pay (WTP) for various attributes of the frozen New Year dishes. The results show that “convenience” is one of the major concerns of consumers. The major buyers of the frozen New Year dishes are married female, college educated, age of 40-59 with family size over 3 and often sharing New Year meals with 4-8 persons. The random parameter logit (RPL) model is applied in the research to cope with the heterogeneity of Consumers’ WTP towards products’ attributes. Our findings suggest that stewed soup (marine foodstuffs supreme) and slowly cooked dishes are more preferred by consumers. Health and safety products with brand representatives or certified are more preferred. The consumer’s WTP for the stewed soup dish is NT$512; products with certification are NT$321; and the dishes with brand representatives are NT$274. Strategies for market segmentation are provided based on segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory and our findings. Applying latent class model (LCM), this research classified the consumers into two groups. The consumers with higher education, large family size and understand certification are in the first group. Those who are from small family and do not understand certification belong to the second group. Consumers from both group feel indifference in the variety of frozen New Year dishes. Their preferences are quite different, however, in terms of endorsement, certification, purchasing channel, and WTP.冷凍年菜; 認證; 代言; 願付價格; 隨機參數羅吉斯模型;Frozen New Year Dishes; Certification; Endorsement; Willingness to Pay; Random Parameter Logit; TSSCI;國人對冷凍年菜之消費行為與願付價格研究journal article10.3966/054696002017120102003http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/054696002017120102003