公共衛生學系;Department of Public HealthLIN, YI-PINGYI-PINGLINHSIEH, HUI-IHUI-IHSIEHCHEN, YEN-CHENGYEN-CHENGCHENCHENG, TSUN-JENTSUN-JENCHENG2008-07-302018-06-292008-07-302018-06-292001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/80952To study the factors affecting alcohol consumption, among Taiwanese workers, we conducted an investigation of the association between alcohol drinking and smoking, aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 ( ALDH2) status, alcohol dehydrogenase-2 ( ADH2) status, any history of abnormal liver function, and hepatitis B and C viral infection. The subjects included 207 male workers who had been followed-up with respect to liver function periodically since 1992. Information relating to current alcohol consumption and smoking habits was obtained by an inter-viewer-administered questionnaire in 1996, and any history of liver function and hepatitis B and C virus infection was obtained from, previous medical surveillance, Genotypes of ALDH2 and ADH2 were determined by polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment polymorphism assay. Results have revealed that smoking and ALDH2 1-1 status were associated with current alcohol consumption ( respectively: odds ratio, 23.3; P < 0.01 and odds ratio, 14.5; P < 0.05). Neither a history, of abnormal liver function nor a history , of hepatitis B and/or C infection was associated with current alcohol consumption. It seems that only those with ALDH2 1-1 who are smokers consume alcohol. We conclude that smoking and inherited ALDH2 1-1 are the most important determinants of alcohol consumption. In addition to the medical advice of physicians in their yearly health check- zips, worksite health-promotion programs based on both alcohol consumption habits and smoking cessation should be instituted forthwith, particularly for those who demonstrate the Potential for developing liver damage.en-US[SDGs]SDG3ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SMOKING, ACETALDEHYDE DEHYDROGENASE-2 1-1 STATUS, AND ALCOHOL DRINKING AMONG TAIWANESE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE WORKERSjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/80952/1/22.pdf