2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714741The Department of Civil Engineering at NTU was established in 1943. It offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in civil engineering, as well as research opportunities for the society and the nation. It is recognized as the largest and leader among all of the civil engineering departments in the nation. Department teaching and research activities can be categorized into six major areas, namely, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, hydraulic engineering, transportation engineering, computeraided engineering, and construction management, plus surveying. The Department also collaborates in many areas with the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics, and Institute of Building and Planning, sharing with these institutes several of its faculty members. The Department of Civil Engineering works closely with other research organizations on major research projects. These organizations include the Hydraulic Research Laboratory, NTU Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Tjing Ling Industrial Research Institute, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, National Center for High Performance Computing, the Taiwan Construction Research Institute, etc. Many major constructions in this country were based on the research results carried out jointly by this Department and the aforementioned organizations. At the undergraduate level, the Department focuses on a sound grounding in the fundamentals of civil engineering, while the Graduate Institute emphasizes research in various areas of engineering expertise. The undergraduate courses cover a large range of theoretical, practical and experimental issues. First, second, and third year students mainly need to take required courses so that they can have a good grounding in engineering fundamentals, for future development in various areas of engineering as well as in other related subjects. Students in their senior year mainly enroll in elective courses, which allow them to focus on specific professional subjects. According to their interests, students can also choose to do a double-major, taking certain subjects as minors, or to engage in the cross-disciplinary courses offered by the Department. The Department trains M.S. and Ph.D. Students to become research professionals and senior engineers. The Masters program is a two-year program and the courses offered are designed to be both professional and practical. Students can choose a research direction based on their personal interests. The Doctorate program can be completed between two to four years. The prerequisite and elective courses of by the Department are adjusted every year according to evolving educational goals, social needs, and emerging global trends.1940年台北帝國大學經歷三年的籌備,開始工學部16個講座授課,至1945年二次世界大戰結束,11月台北帝國大學改制為國立臺灣大學,工學部改為工學院,土木工程科教室改為土木工程學系,迄今已經走過75個年頭,所培育出之大學部及碩、博士班畢業生超過7,000人,服務於國內外各學術機構及工程技術單位,在學術研究及工程建設方面多居於領導地位,近年在國際QS評比中一直名列全球前50名,已是國際一流之土木工程學系。 本系以培養土木工程專業人才,進行前瞻性學術研究為目標,教學及研究領域均衡而專精,包括大地工程、結構工程、水利工程、交通工程、營建工程與管理、電腦輔助工程及測量與空間資訊等學術領域。為了提昇本系之研究水準並加強與工程實業界之連結,多年來本系與許多研究單位均有密切的合作計畫,例如:國家地震工程研究中心、國家高速電腦與網路中心、臺灣營建研究院、臺大地震工程研究中心、台大水工試驗所、台大慶齡工業研究中心等,在相互的合作努力下,從事與國家建設相關之研究發展工作,並與工程業界有多元的產學研究及教育合作。為拓展多元專業學術領域,本系衛生工程組於1977年獨立為環境工程研究所、交通乙組於1988年獨立發展為建築與城鄉研究所,並與其他學院(例如:法學院、理學院及管理學院等)教授合作共同開課。 本系目前大學生及研究生共約1,000餘名,專任教師57名,兼任教師近30名,聘有專任助教近10名,協助大學部之教學及處理教學有關之行政工作。本系教師各年齡層人數分布均衡,平均年齡不到50歲,除了學術研究各有特色且能互補合作外,在教學上也一直深受學生與校友肯定,在社會服務上也持續有傑出貢獻。本系在實作課程的推動與資源投入上,一直是國內土木工程領域之冠,實驗室配置有技術人員6名,協助實驗之教學及器材之準備,系辦公室設有職員4名、約聘人員數名及技工友5名等,支援各項教學行政及服務相關事宜。Civil EngineeringAcademic Institute