2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715758<p> Hsin-Chu Branch of National Taiwan University Hospital was established in 1895. In 1949, the hospital was renamed “the Provincial Hsin-Chu Hospital” and relocated to current site in 1983. In response to the province downsizing policy of the government, Hsin Chu Hospital was once again renamed “Hsin Chu General Hospital of the Department of Health” in 1999. In line with the institutional change, Hsin Chu General Hospital of the Department of Health has become the Hsin-Chu Branch of NTUH in July 2011. </p> <p> Currently, the hospital houses 829 beds and employs more than 1700 staffs. There are 46 medical units (including 8 special medical centers), 4 medical facility units, 12 administration units, and 43 committees under the organization chart of the hospital. A total of 200 doctors, 850 nurses, 200 specialists and other professionals provide profound medical service with the most advanced equipments and quality service and to local citizens in Hsin Chu and its neighborhood areas. </p> <p> The Hsin-Chu Branch of NTUH is located in North District of Hsin Chu City, adjoining Chu Pei city of Hsin Chu County and is close to top universities, research institutes and industries like NTHU, NCTU, ITRI, Science Park and Biomedical Science Park, which makes the hospital nurtured in a combination of culture and technology. After joining NTUH system, the hospital further extends the depth and broadness of its medical service, keeps improving its Critical Care, Cancer Cure, Women and Children's Medical Care, Contagious Disease Prevention, and Care of Social Vulnerable Groups. The core value of the hospital is to provide local citizens the most refined medical service of medical center level and to be the R&D center of biomedical industry in Taiwan. </p>民國前十七年(1895年)於當時台北縣新竹支廳管內設立,隸屬於陸軍局軍醫部,民前十六年改隸民政組織,正是稱為新竹病院。歷經日治時代及光復初期,於民國七十二年遷入新院舍,自一百年七月起改制,更名為「國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院新竹分院」。NTU Hsin-Chu Hospital