生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 羅竹平羅久峰Luo, Jiou-FengJiou-FengLuo2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276092Malcolm P. McNair(1958)提出零售車輪理論模式,該理論在解釋為何市場上零售業會不斷推陳出新,也符合台灣零售業變化的現象,目前與我們日常生活最相關的即是屬於綜合商品零售業的便利商店、超級市場、量販店。這三個業態存在台灣的時間最長不超過50年,甚至量販店於台灣存在的時間也僅25年而已,且這三個業態目前的樣貌也與起初的樣貌有很大的不同 本研究的目的為以最新的數據資料分析這三個業態的策略、空間變化、營業額及店家數變化,於第三章的介紹中可得知這三個業態皆已進入飽和期,未來的發展空間相當有限,由零售車輪理論可推知此時應有新的業態進入台灣的市場,為了了解未來台灣綜合商品零售業市場可行的發展方向,本研究蒐集國外的文獻、網站資料尋找適合於台灣發展的業態。 經過評估分析後本研究認為歐洲市場上的折扣店為台灣未來可行的發展業態,並計算出未來折扣店於台灣的市場大小與可開設的店家數。Malcolm P. McNair(1958) proposed the wheel of retailing theory which explained why the new retail business showed up in the market and it accorded with the development of retail market in Taiwan. Now, the most relevant retail businesses to our daily life are convenience store, supermarket and hypermarket. Although these three businesses have been in Taiwan no longer than 50 years, they have much difference from 50 years ago. This research used the latest data to analyze the three businesses’ strategies, the change of location, sales, and the number of stores. By the third chapter’s introduction we can learn that these three retail businesses’ development in future will be limited. By the wheel of retailing theory, we can infer that it might be time for a new retail business showing up in retail market. In order to find a feasible development of retail business in Taiwan’s retail market, this research collected information from foreign papers, websites. After evaluation and analyzation, we infer that the discount store in Europe might be suitable in Taiwan’s retail market and calculate the number of discount store in Taiwan’s market.1357430 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/6論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)零售業量販店超級市場便利商店折扣店Hypermarketsupermarketconvenience storediscount storeretail market台灣綜合商品零售業分析Analysis of General Merchandise store in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276092/1/ntu-104-R02627012-1.pdf