2017-07-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661692摘要:面對氣候變遷的衝擊,本研究批判的回顧一種以地球工程(geo-engineering)為代表的一種升級版的生態現代化論調,嘗試透過施展人類能動性,介入(intervene)甚至馴化(taming)自然系統來面對氣候變遷。本計畫關注人類世作為一種馴化天氣(taming the weather) 環境治理範型的面向,可以補足對於人類世下環境治理的研究與批判,並進一步延伸探討人類世下與「人類能動性」難以二分的環境倫理與政治課題。首先,在地緣政治(geo-politics)的理論意義上,調控天氣系統,將從水平存有論(flat ontology)引導出新的垂直或體積(volume)的面向,這將是以氣候課題為核心之一的人類世政治所必要的認識論轉移。第二,威權中國所體現的強大國家自主性,不僅是東亞國家的代表類型,也是人類世下的氣候霸權的代表。<br> Abstract: Climate engineering, the action to conduct large-scale intervention in taming the weather, is becoming popular in many countries in response to global warming challenge. In this project we theoretically bring the volume perspective to discuss politics of climate engineering. The case we focus on is weather modification in China. Weather modification, the intentional alteration of weather and cloud water conditions, can be seen as a most representable example of conducting climate engineering; and China is the world’s leading user of state power for production of rainfall enhancement through weather modification. We examine three kinds of politics of climate engineering: (1) politics between local government and military in terms of control of using airspace, (2) politics between local and central governments in terms of ownership right of cloud water, (3) politics between beneficiary and sacrifice provinces in terms of redistribution of rain enhancement. Certain theoretical and policy implications drawn from the case of weather modification in China for climate engineering are noted in the conclusion.地球工程馴化天氣體積政治人類世人工影響天氣Geo-engineeringtaming the weathervolume politicsanthropoceneweather modification「台大核心研究群」計畫【人類世的環境治理與地球工程- 以中國大型事件操作人工影響天氣作業為例】