黃世佑2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9353聚羥基烷酯(Polyhydroxyalkanoates ,PHA)聚合物具有許多優點,近年來受 環保界重視,本研究為利用三角錐形瓶進行微生物發酵方法,分析所生產之PHA 的結構。所用菌株為耐鹽性之Haloferax mediterranei 。探討餵食不同碳源發 酵之PHA 的結構與性質。我們使用的碳源有glucose 、glutaric acid 、4-pentenoic acid 、5-phenylvaleric acid 等 。以不同取樣時間的試樣,進行核磁共振、紅外線 光譜等方式,分析所生產的PHA 的結構與性質,找出較佳生產具有官能基的條件。在 市售的PHA 分析方面,我們發現PHBV (Poly(hydroxy- butyate-co-hydroxyvalerate))的共聚物,會隨著HV (hydroxy- valerate)比例的增加,其熔點與玻璃轉移溫度隨之下降。且PHBV 共聚物之Tm 吸熱峰會有一shoulder 出現,而純PHB 則無此現象。 在發酵所得PHA ,發現以glucose 為碳源的試樣其主要成分為PHBV8 ;餵 食4-pentenoic acid 的試樣其HB 與HV 的比值幾乎是相同的,其成分為PHBV8 ; 餵食5-phenylvaleric acid 試樣,其HV 的比值會隨著發酵時間的增加而增多至 16%;而餵食glutaric acid 的試樣,PHV 所佔比例高至18%。The polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) polymers has many advantages. In this work, a shake flask method was used to produce PHAs by cultivating a halobacterium Haloferax mediterranei. The structure of PHAs was determined by NMR and FTIR. The substrates used were glucose, glutaric acid, 4-pentenoic acid and 5-phenylvaleric acid. Sampling in a time interval, to analyze the structure of products for structual analysis and determination of properties. The conditions to obtain the PHA possessing functional groups were investigated. Tm of PHBV copolymer exhibited a shoulder.On the other hand, pure PHB did not exhibit the shoulder. The Tm and Tg of commercial PHAs deceases with the increase of HV (hydroxyvalerate) proportion. The PHAs obtained with glucose as a sole carbon source were primarily PHBV8. The ratio of HB and HV in the product of fermentation supplemented with 4-pentenoic acid was almost the same.Its structure was PHBV8. The ratio of HV as 5-phenylvaleric acid was fed into a fermentation system increased with the fermentation time. It increased up to 16%. There was a high HV content (18%) in fermentation broth when glutaric acid was fed into the fermentation system.application/pdf288014 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學化學工程學系暨研究所嗜鹽菌聚羥基烷酯官能基戊二酸戊烯酸苯戊酸Haloferax mediterraneiPHAPHBVfunctional groupGlutaric acid4-Pentenoic acid5-Phenylvaleric acid綠色材料--生物可分解聚脂材料PHA生產、應用與分解技術開發─子計畫一:由微生物發酵生產功能性PHA及其形態探討(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9353/1/912621Z002013.pdf