2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714719The College of Law (formerly known as the Department of Law) dates back to Taihoku Imperial University that was built during Japanese colonial era (1927-1945). After the Second World War, the Imperial University was renamed as the National Taiwan University, while the College of Liberal Arts and Political Science were separated into the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Law. Before 1999, College of Law consisted Department of Law, Political Science and Economics. In August 1999, Department of Law was renamed as College of Law; other departments which were under the former College of Law became part of College of Social Sciences. Department of Law consists of 3 divisions: the Division of Legal Sciences, Division of Judicial Administration and Division of Economic and Financial Law. Master program in law (LL.M.) began in 1955, and doctoral program (Ph.D.) was established in 1971. To promote interdisciplinary legal education, the Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies began its operations in August 2004 and offers an LL.M. degree to students who originally specialized in other field of study, and aim to integrate their expertise with law. The College of Law will continue to bring together professors with different specialties through the research centers, and to encourage development of advanced, profound interdisciplinary studies. By holding major domestic and international conferences, the self-styled “Pioneer of Legal Study in Taiwan” would be realized via these research performances. The College of Law has been actively promoting international academic exchange. It has signed a large number of cooperation agreements with outstanding universities in Asia, Europe, and America. Cooperative research projects have been undertaken and conferences are held regularly. We hope to bring forth Taiwan's legal experiences and fresh ideas of professors into international academic circles, and elevate the NTU College of Law to a leading law school among the international law institutes. As mentioned above, the newly established Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies has started the legal education for non-law graduates. With diversified courses and excellent legal training programs, this institute has received great recognition from the society and attracted large numbers of applications every year. It is expected that these law students with different expertise would be endowed with legal professional talents, and would join in our academic research in the future.法律學院原為法學院下法律學系,前身為臺北帝國大學文政學部下之「法科」。二次戰後,本校改稱「國立臺灣大學」,文政學部也設為「文學院」、「法學院」;法科更名為法律學系,與政治、經濟等學系同隸於「法學院」之下。後經教育部同意,自1999年8月起,將原法學院分設為「社會科學院」及「法律學院」,兩院正式分立。法律學院目前設有「法律學系(含學士、碩士、博士班)」及「科際整合法律學研究所」。法律學院將以各個研究中心凝聚院內教師專長,鼓勵以跨領域方式,發展具有前瞻性之議題,並舉辦大型國內及國際學術研討會,透過各類研究成果來展現邁向國際一流之目標。法律學院積極推動國際學術交流,建院後已與亞洲、歐洲、美洲著名大學簽約及執行共同之研究計畫且合辦研討會,希望藉此將臺灣法治經驗及本校教師之創見或觀點,與國際學術界交流,使臺大法律學院成為國際級法學研究重鎮。在教學方面,本院之科際整合法律學研究所已開辦學士後法學教育。以臺大法律學院多元的師資、優異之教學內涵,必能造就眾多跨領域之實務及研究專才。College of LawUniversity College