章良渭2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-291999-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22324本研究討論功能性電刺激應用於下 肢復健。藉由電刺激癱瘓肌肉恢復其運 動功能,避免肌肉萎縮,同時產生可控 制之功能性動作。設計製作了一個結合 功能性電刺激器之踩踏復健電動輔助輪 椅雛型品,針對下肢肌肉神經傳導障礙 的患者進行電刺激,除了能達到週期性 的踩踏復健運動,也能增加復健功能之 多樣性與趣味性。建立一套六連桿下肢 踩踏模型,再配合肌肉模型,構成了下 肢踩踏運動的基礎理論架構,並藉由電 腦對踩踏運動過程做模擬分析。另外本 系統的三輪車前輪增加一個輔助輪圈電 動機,作為上坡力及病患肌肉疲乏時的 輔助推動力。我們並設計可調整式座椅 與病患上下之裝置以增加使用上的安全 與舒適。Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) has been adopted in the lower limb rehabilitation where electrical currents were applied to paralyzed muscles to avoid muscle atrophy and to restore motor function. In this study, we designed and fabricated a prototype of an electrically assisted wheelchair pedaled by the electrically stimulated lower limbs. This design not only allowed the paralyzed lower limbs to achieve periodic cycling exercises but also made the rehabilitation process more versatile and interesting. A six-bar lower limb cycling model was developed combining a muscle model to lay a foundation for a theoretical study. The system was equipped with a disk motor incorporated into the front wheel which would provide power assistance when the wheelchair is in a up-hill situation, or the muscle fatigue sign is on, or the patient simply gets tired. In this study, seat position adjustments was designed for ergonomic reasons.application/pdf140070 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學工程學研究所身心障礙科技研究:漸進式復健用電動輔佐踩踏輪椅之系統設計A System Design for Power Assisted Foot Pedaling Wheelchairs for Progressive Rehabilitationreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22324/1/882614E002001.pdf