2005-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/711197摘要:本研究計畫係以美國、日本、韓國和台灣等四個國家歷年(1975-2004年)在美國所取得的發明專利資料、專利引證資料和相關R&D的資料,針對LCD產業和IC和設計產業進行研究,探討有關研發、專利、技術差距和技術追趕的相關課題。以下簡述計畫之研究內容: 既有文獻針對落後國如何縮短與先進國家之間的技術差距之研究並不多。本研究首先將參考國內外文獻及我國產業發展的經驗,從產業生命週期和技術生命週期之間的動態變化,來研究兩者間的關聯性,以發展或改良現有相關後進國技術追趕理論的不足。此外,我們計畫發展出一些衡量廠商技術優勢的指標,例如知識累積程度,技術相對優勢,技術多角化,技術持續性和相近性,專利品質等。我們將應用這些指標,來分析我國LCD廠商和IC 設計廠商過去十年來發展策略和技術優劣勢。 應用發展出來的技術優勢指標,分別比較過去十年來:(1)我國LCD產業之廠商與日本、韓國廠商的技術差距;(2)評估我國LCD技術追趕的策略;(3)我國IC設計產業之廠商與美國IC設計公司的技術差距;(4)評估我國IC設計技術追趕的策略。 <br> Abstract: The major purpose of this research plan is to examine the technological gap of the LCD firms and IC design houses between Taiwan and the advanced countries and evaluate the possible catch-up industrial policies and firms’ strategies by using the databases on patents, patent citations, R & D and financial statements. Referring to the previous literature and the experience of industrial development in Taiwan, we will try to develop a theory of technology gap in which the dynamic changes between product life cycle and technology life cycle are examined. In addition, more than 10 indicators of technological competent in evaluating firms’ performance will be developed. Finally, these indicators will be used to evaluate the technological performance of Taiwan’s LCD firms and IC design houses. We will use these indicators to evaluate the technological performance of Japanese and Korean LCD firms and American IC design houses and find out the technological gap between technology latecomers (Taiwan) and technology generators (US and Japan). We further apply the theory of technology gap we developed in the empirical analysis. Finally, we can provide the helpful policy implications to the associated government sectors on the science and technology catch-up. Two academic papers are going to be published in the end of the research project.技術追趕IC設計產業面板產業.technological catch-upIC design industryLCD industries.落後國與先進國之技術差距和追趕:以台灣面板和IC設計產業為例