臺灣大學: 環境工程學研究所林正芳郭謹陞Kuo, Chin-ShengChin-ShengKuo2013-04-102018-06-282013-04-102018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256898本研究以不同污泥齡之生物處理系統:固定式生物系統和活性污泥系統之出流水進行不同孔徑大小的薄膜過濾實驗,觀察薄膜滲流通量衰減情形,並以DAX-8樹脂分離經薄膜過濾前後之水樣,分離出親疏水性群組,再分析各群組的TOC、碳水化合物、蛋白質等成份,以探討溶解性胞外聚合物之親疏水特性對於薄膜生物積垢的影響。 以30 kDa、100 kDa不同孔徑大小之薄膜進行生物出流水的過濾實驗,在有懸浮微粒的情況下,積垢情形較去除懸浮顆粒的嚴重,過濾至通量較穩定後,有去除懸浮顆粒與未去除懸浮顆粒的積垢趨勢相似,因此溶解性物質為影響薄膜積垢的重要因素。以0.1 μm玻璃纖維濾紙去除懸浮顆粒的影響後,針對溶解性物質探討對薄膜積垢的影響,以不同生物系統出流水分別進行不同孔徑的薄膜過濾實驗,因固定式生物系統出流水的SMP較活性污泥系統高,故固定式生物系統出流水造成的薄膜積垢情形較活性污泥系統出流水嚴重,薄膜積垢的程度隨SMP越高也越嚴重。 不論是何種生物系統出流水進行薄膜過濾,薄膜孔徑越大所能承載的流通量也越大,因此造成的薄膜積垢情形也越嚴重。分析兩生物系統經薄膜過濾前後的親疏水性群組的TOC、碳水化合物、蛋白質結果,固定式生物系統和活性污泥系統出流水中,親水性群組所佔的比例較多,疏水性群組較少,親水性物質被薄膜去除較疏水性物質多,親水性物質殘留在薄膜上較多,故親水性物質為影響薄膜積垢的主要因素。Biological treatment systems with different sludge retention time (SRT), fixed carrier biological system (FCBS) and activated sludge process (ASP) were studied. Membrane permeate flux fluctuation was constantly monitored. The effect of soluble microbial products (SMP) hydrophobicity on membrane fouling was investigated with the use of DAX-8 resin to isolate hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds in water samples, with total organic compound (TOC), carbohydrate and protein were taken as quantitative parameters for hydrophobicity analyze. Two different membrane pore sizes (30 kDa and 100 kDa) were used in membrane operation. Fiber filter with pore size of 0.1 μm was applied as pretreatment in order to eliminate the impact of suspended solids in water samples on membrane fouling. Effluents from different biological treatment systems (FCBS and ASP) were run through membrane process and it was observed that FCBS effluents contained higher SMP concentrations and caused more significant membrane fouling than effluents from ASP system. The result also suggested that membrane fouling increase with SMP concentrations. Greater permeate flux decline was observed in membrane process with larger pore size for both FCBS and ASP system. Hydrophobicity analysis indicated hydrophilic contents are the major components of SMP, and the result also indicated that membrane retained more hydrophilic contents than hydrophobic contents. In conclusion, it can be suggested membrane fouling was mainly affected by hydrophilic substances.1248739 bytesapplication/pdfen-US污泥齡固定式生物系統活性污泥系統薄膜積垢DAX-8樹脂溶解性胞外聚合物親疏水性SRTFCBSASPMembrane foulingDAX-8 resinSMPHydrophobicity生物處理系統之溶解性胞外聚合物親疏水特性對薄膜積垢之影響Effect of Soluble Microbial Products Hydrophobicity on Membrane Foulingthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256898/1/ntu-100-R98541118-1.pdf