2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714714The mission of the College of Engineering is to provide an environment where education and research can complement and enhance one another. We strive to provide the highest quality of education by constantly improving course curricula, cultivating both fundamentals and specializations, promoting ethics and social responsibility, as well as enhancing international vision and leadership, to produce outstanding engineers and researchers who can tackle the demands of national infrastructure and technology advancement. In research, we are dedicated to developing engineering-related fields, emphasizing both basic and applied research, and strengthening collaboration with industry to enhance both quantity and quality of research, in order for each of the College's academic fields to meet world-class standards as well as domestic leadership. The research highlights of the College of Engineering include: Research and development in solar energy materials (Dep. Chemical Engineering and Dep. Mat. Sci. and Eng.), Innovative 2-D atomic materials (Dep. Mat. Sci. and Eng.), Innovative Experimental Techniques and Scientific Computational Methods for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering (Dep. Civil Engineering), The basic technology of transportation system electrification (Dep. Mechanical Engineering), Green Production Technology for the Future Chemical Engineering (Dep. Chemical Engineering), Wind Energy (Dep. Eng. Sci. & Ocean Eng.), Integrated Research on Key Technologies of Submarine (Dep. Eng. Sci. & Ocean Eng.), Molecular Modeling for the Development of New Materials with Novel Electrical, Optical and Biocompatible Properties (Dep. Mat. Sci. and Eng.), Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Novel Structures for Electro-Optical Applications (Dep. Mat. Sci. and Eng.), Monitoring, Control and Evaluation of Environmental Hormone (Inst. Environmental Eng.), Smart Sensor System for Future Life Applications (Inst. Applied Mechanics), Non-invasive Diagnostic Techniques for Cancers and Diabetic Foot Microcirculation (Inst. Applied Mechanics), Stem cells and regenerative medicine (Inst. Biomedical Eng.), Biomaterials in Artificial Organs and Drug Delivery System (Inst. Biomedical Eng.), Advanced Optoelectronic Polymers and Nanotechnology (Inst. Polymer Sci. and Eng.). In addition, we go hand in hand with the project of strengthening the basic technological development in the area of industries set by Executive Yuan and promote the electric urban transport system technology to develop electric vehicles.工學院教育目標著重教學與研究相輔相成。在教學方面,積極改進課程規劃,提升教學品質,培養具備基礎科學知識與專業技能、工程倫理與社會責任意識以及國際視野與領導能力等綜合素養之優秀工程師與工程研究人員,以配合國家建設與科技發展之需求。在研究方面,積極發展工程相關之重要專業領域,基礎與應用並重,加強與社會各界合作,提升研究成果的質與量,使各領域皆能達到國際一流水準,並居國內學術界領先地位。 工學院重要研究方向包括:太陽光電材料研發(化工系、材料系)、新穎二維原子層材料研發(材料系)、大地與結構工程之創新實驗技術與科學計算方法(土木系)、全電化都會運輸系統基礎技術(機械系)、未來化工之綠色製程技術(化工系)、風力發電(工科海洋系)、潛艇關鍵技術之整合群體研究(工科海洋系)、運用分子設計開發新穎光電及生醫材料(材料系)、奈米顆粒合成與新穎排列結構及其在光電應用(材料系)、環境賀爾蒙監測、控制與評估(環工所)、智慧感測系統開發及其在未來生活空間之應用(應力所)、腫瘤及糖尿病足之非侵入性檢測技術(應力所)、再生醫學與幹細胞調控(醫工所)、人工器官及藥劑供應系統之生醫材料開發(醫工所)、前瞻光電高分子材料及奈米技術研發(高分子所),另外配合行政院「強化工業基礎技術發展方案」推動全電化都會運輸系統技術並發展電動車。College of EngineeringAcademic Institute