李吉仁臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所李佩璇Lee, Pey-ShyuanPey-ShyuanLee2007-11-282018-06-292007-11-282018-06-292004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/60197隨著個人電腦市場競爭的白熱化,晶片組產業也呈現高度競爭動態;其中,Intel雖然藉由其架構創新的技術能力,影響整個產業的結構發展,但是,卻無力推動Rambus規格,反而讓威盛以支援SDRAM之PC133衝上晶片組市場領導的地位;更有甚者,SOC技術的出現,使得晶片組的市場疆界更形模糊,從而導引主要廠商的經營範圍擴張。此一高度動態的產業環境,提供了研究競爭策略與競合行為的絕佳機會。具體而言,本研究希望能藉由對晶片組產業的深度分析,探討以下數個重要的問題:(1) Intel是如何運用其技術領導地位,將其優勢成巧策蠾傽馱馫梐ㄦ~,又為何在推動記憶體規格Rambus上會遭遇失敗?(2)在技術快速變動的環境下,晶片組產業的結構變化如何影響廠商的策略變化?(3)當產業的疆界逐漸模糊,廠商如何在同時參與多個市場、扮演多重角色下,操作競合策略主動塑造最有利於己的賽局? 本研究發現:領導廠商Intel運用架構創新掌握規格制定權,並藉由操作架構領導與互補市場領導策略,促使其他廠商跟隨;然而,影響平台領導成敗的關鍵,除了著眼於如何創造整體平台的效益之外,還必須考量到平台的開發、移轉成本,才能順利達到推動平台演進的目的。此外,晶片組產業在技術快速變動的情況下,產業發展從價格競爭、產品生命週期縮短到目前跨領域的競爭,隨著產業的演化,廠商除了要能在每一次世代轉換過程中,在價格、品質、時機、專業知識、障礙建立、以及資本累積領域上超越對手,還要能夠在世代快速轉換的過程中,不斷進行自我淘汰、創造新的競爭能耐,才有可能延續優勢保持領先。最後,在產業疆界逐漸打破,競爭領域相互重疊之下,競爭與合作、互補與替代的關係常常是並存的,因此必須以整體價值網來思考定位,並且藉由競合策略的操作,改變競賽參與者、附加價值、規則、戰術、範圍,塑造出最有利於己的賽局。Since Intel jumped into the industry field in 1994, PC Chipset industry has become a highly competitive arena in which the pace of technological change is getting fast and industry leadership is both driven by architecture innovation and adequate co-opetition strategy undertaken by major players. Of interest is VIA, which was a fringe firm, surpass Intel’s leading position in the architecture warfare between Rambus and PC 133. Moreover, the emergence of system-on-chip (SOC) technology not only changed the industry boundary but also the competitive positions among firms. Such a dynamic competition provides an ideal research context for exploring issues concerning industry competitive dynamics and co-opetition strategies, which constitutes the focus of the present study. Specifically, this research attempts to explore the following three issues: (1) Why will Intel succeed in leading continuous platform changes but fail in Rambus battle? (2) How did the changing industry structure affect major players’ positions and reaction? (3) How could a firm in such a competitive context characterized by changing industry boundaries formulate effective better co-opetition strategies? This research found that: (1) The dominant firm, Intel, exercised its platform leadership not only through architectural innovation, which led to the standards of peripheral components, but also by stimulating application innovation in complementary markets. (2) In the fast changing environment, chipset industry is gradually evolving to price-war、short-lifecycle、cross-fields competition. In order to maintain survival, firms not only have to surpass competitors in price, quality, timing, know-how, barriers building, and capital cumulating, but also have to constantly create new competence. (3) While the industry boundary becomes blur, the industrial players should be capable of managing more complicated games. Instead of concentrating on competition, firms must learn how to use value net framework to work with a variety of co-opetitors. Strategic implication and suggestions to future research are also discussed.第一章406321 bytesapplication/pdfen-US晶片組產業競爭動態競合行為平台領導CompetitPC Chipset IndustryPlatform Leadership[SDGs]SDG9[SDGs]SDG16動態競爭策略與競合行為之研究-以晶片組產業為例An Analysis on the Competitive Dynamics and Co-opetition Strategies in the Global Chipset Industrythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/60197/1/ntu-93-R91724057-1.pdf