臺灣大學: 政治學研究所陳思賢; 孫善豪黃禾田Huang, He-TienHe-TienHuang2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254477這篇論文的主題是寇恩對於自由主義的批評。本文認為寇恩一方面批評自由主義者為資本主義的辯護,另一方面則藉由與自由主義的論辯提出他對於社會主義規範原則的回答。為了提供對寇恩這項工作的一個概覽,本文使用三個規範性概念來說明寇恩對後者的批評,它們分別是自由、平等、共同體。本文認為,寇恩藉由對自由主義的批評而嘗試為社會主義提供一個規範性理論,以作為社會主義者為何要追求社會主義的指引,但是由於他放棄對資本主義的經驗性分析而無法真正凸顯社會主義之所是社會主義的理由。This thesis introduces G. A. Cohen’s critics to liberalism. This thesis argues that, on the one hand, Cohen criticized that the liberals defended for capitalism, but on the other hand, he responded to socialist normative principles via debate with liberalism. Three normative concepts, freedom, equality and community, are used for framing Cohen’s critics to liberalism in the article. Cohen tried to provide a normative theory by critics to liberalism, and believed that the contemporary socialists should also work on the normative theory as guideline for socialism. However, this thesis points out that because Cohen ignored the empirical analysis of capitalism, he could not illustrate his theory was socialist.761589 bytesapplication/pdfen-US寇恩私有制金錢與自由市場和公正差異原則平等主義風尚社會主義G. A. COHENPRIVATE OWNERSHIPMONEY AND FREEDOMMARKET AND JUSTICEDIFFERENCE PRINCIPLEEGALITARIAN ETHOSSOCIALISM自由、平等、共同體:寇恩對自由主義的批評Freedom, Equality, and Community: G. A. Cohen’s Criticism of Liberalismthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254477/1/ntu-100-R96322023-1.pdf