2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714986The Department of Emergency Medicine was established in August, 1994. It was the first emergency department among the medical colleges in Taiwan. The purpose of establishing the Department was to promote quality of care, research and teaching in the fields of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. After two decades, the Department grew to more than 20 faculty members. The research area expanded beyond general Emergency Medicine, including Resuscitation Medicine, Traumatology, Clinical Toxicology, Emergency Medical Services, Ultrasonography, and Disaster Medicine. Many faculty members have Public Health background and are involved in the government health administration to serve as consultants or officers in health care system regarding the fields of Emergency Medicine. The vision of the Department is to lead the teaching and research of Emergency Medicine in Taiwan and provide first rate service to the patients with acute and critical illness.民國83年教育部核准臺大醫學院急診醫學科成立,為臺灣最早成立之急診醫學科。本科成立 的目的是為發展急重症相關研究、培育臺灣急診醫學人才,以提昇對急重症病人之緊急醫療服務的水準。經歷近二十多年的努力,急診醫學科目前師資有3位專任教授,1位臨床教授,7位臨床副教授,6位臨床助理教授,6位臨床(兼任)講師,醫師部分包含47位主治醫師和19位住院醫師(含代訓醫師)。研究的方向,包括一般急診醫學,復甦醫學、創傷醫學、臨床毒物學、緊急醫療救護與災難應變系統等領域。此外,急診醫學科老師重視對於醫療體系及公共衛生方面的研究發展,不限於單一疾病,視野寬廣,在中央及地方政府的衛生行政體系內,擔任重要的主管、委員,參與很多重要的公衛決策,對我國國民的醫療保健貢獻卓著。臺大急診醫學科未來的發展十分寬廣,從到院前緊急醫療到與急重症各專科的相互合作,從第一線的全方位診斷處置到急診醫學次專長的發展。臺大急診醫學科逐漸進入成熟發展的階段,也帶領臺灣的急診醫學從專注於臨床服務的學科變成有特色的醫療專業,真正的建立急診醫學的獨特地位。 急診醫學科之未來目標 1. 領導臺灣的急診醫學研究發展,培育急診醫學領導人才 2. 世界一流的急重症病人服務 3. 籌劃建立健全的國家醫療衛生體系Emergency Medicine