2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715227The College of Liberal Arts enjoys the longest history among similar colleges in the country. We are also the one with the greatest scale. Our areas of teaching and research range from traditional humanities, anthropological studies, fine arts to foreign languages and literatures, showing a high level of vitality and variety. The research and publications of our faculty members are widely acclaimed for their quality and quantity. The College publishes Humanitas Taiwanica. Individual departments and graduate institutes publish journals or monographs series of their specialties, including Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Chung Wai Literary Quarterly, Historical Inquiry, National Taiwan University Philosophical Review, The Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology, Journal of Library and Information Studies, NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature, Journal of Theater Studies, Taida Journal of Art History, NTU Studies in Language and Literature, Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies, and NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature. GOALS The College of Liberal Arts has several main missions. The first is to cultivate talents in the general sphere of the humanities. Intellectual flowering, improvement in education, and elevation of spiritual life are indispensable for a bright future of Taiwan. And as part of the most prestigious university in Taiwan, it is our natural responsibility to nurture talents with innovative ideas and creative potential that can contribute to developments in these respects. Secondly, as our college is a leading academic institution in the humanities in Taiwan, our faculty bear an important duty to do research, to produce meaningful knowledge. It is also important for us to nurture the future generations of scholars for Taiwan. The third main mission of the College is to elevate NTU students' overall understanding and appreciation of the humanities and arts. On top of advanced courses for students at the College of Liberal Arts, we also provide rich general courses for students campus-wide. This will not only help the university to produce talents with humanistic perspectives, but also contribute to further cultural refinement in Taiwan at large. We will work hard to fulfill these missions.在全國各文學院中,本校文學院歷史最為悠久,研究範疇最多,十四個系所、學位學程中,或屬於傳統人文學,或屬於外國語文領域,或屬於藝術相關領域,豐富而多元。文學院教師素重研究著述,量多質精,久為士林稱道。出版品方面,除全院性之《臺大文史哲學報》外,各系所大多編印有專業之學術刊物並定期出版,如《臺大中文學報》、《中外文學》季刊、《臺大歷史學報》、《國立臺灣大學哲學論評》、《考古人類學刊》、《圖書資訊學刊》、《臺大日本語文研究》、《戲劇研究》、《美術史研究集刊》、《臺大佛學研究》、《臺灣文學研究集刊》和 NTU Studies in Language and Literature 等。中文系與歷史系並聯合出版《國立臺灣大學文史叢刊》。目標全力發展人文教育與研究並發揚人文價值,乃文學院相傳的努力目標。具體而言,本院有以下幾重使命。首先,我們有培養人文人才的責任。知識的創新,思想的煥發,教育的改善,文化生活的豐富,精神生活的提升,都是臺灣永續發展路途中必須追求的目標。作為臺灣最重要綜合性大學的文學院,本院有責任為社會提供素質良好且具創造力的人文人才。其次,本院負有學術發展的使命。進行研究、著書立說是本院教師的本分之一,這些工作是新知識、新見解的重要源頭。本院的另一任務是提升全校同學的人文認識與素養。除了文學院自身的教育,我們還為學校提供大量的共同課程和通識課程。這項工作,即能為臺大培養具有人文視野的人才,也有助於強化臺灣的文化體質。本院將為達成這些使命而不斷努力。College of Liberal ArtsUniversity College